View Full Version : sudden popeye

03-22-2009, 06:19 PM
removed dad from the baby discus tank and put him back in the main tank as I have half a dozen times before. Ph was almost a match in both tanks (main tank 7.0, baby tank 6.8), temp a couple degrees cooler in the main tank. Within half an hour both eyes were bulging and clouded. He's hiding at the back below the sponge filter.
will this resolve on its own? what could it be?
the main tank has just received a course of Maracyn Plus as one of the red turqs had a few spots of visible white film-- which has gone away with the course of meds.
should I repeat the med course? wait and see?
this is very odd to me and has never happened before...

03-22-2009, 08:42 PM
Sounds to me that the Maracyn Plus kicked whatever the RTs had but still left enough around to punch your male in the eyes.

Check ammonia/nitrite first.

Personally, I'd set-up a QT tank with good clean water, preferably a 20 gallon.

In a seperate tank or bucket, give the male a salt bath (I use non-iodized table salt) at 3 tblsp per gallon of water and monitor the fish. If the fish rolls, scoop him out and put him in the 20 QT. Otherwise, leave him in there for about 10 minutes. I'd at least have an airstone in the salt bath. You may have to do the bath every other day until the eyes return to normal.

In your main tank, the one you dosed with MP. Clean the heck out of it and knock out some good daily WCs. Once the affected males eyes have recovered, put him in the main tank.

Et viola, ;)


03-23-2009, 11:00 AM
did a one-third WC, then dosed MP last night. Eyes much improved this AM... I think I'll continue the meds course. Whatever it is in the tank, I'd prefer to medicate it out of existence, if possible.

03-23-2009, 08:29 PM
did a one-third WC, then dosed MP last night. Eyes much improved this AM... I think I'll continue the meds course. Whatever it is in the tank, I'd prefer to medicate it out of existence, if possible.

Right, sounds good.


03-23-2009, 08:57 PM
the fish is steadily improving. almost back to normal. left eye still a little protruded. will keep the regimen going-- can't imagine what caused it, but it seems to be treatable.

03-23-2009, 09:04 PM
Thats good to know, several people on here have had their Discus go with popeye for damn near a month. Guess the ticket for them should have been MP. ;)


03-24-2009, 08:34 AM
Glad he's turning around, but it sounds really odd that a fish can come down with symptoms that quickly. 30 minutes? Is that even possible?

03-24-2009, 12:26 PM
I know-- I was absolutely floored. Could not believe it, but there it was. Freaked me completely, he's my best baby-maker.
He's looking better again today, left eye now subsiding, right eye just about normal. Will continue the MP treatment as directed on bottle, and usually the problems clear up completely after the second treatment (this history based on MP treatment for my male red turq who, when there's been some pair-bond related territorial aggression in the tank-- which happens when I have all three mated pairs in there-- develops a couple of white fuzzy spots, always in the same places).

03-24-2009, 08:33 PM
I know-- I was absolutely floored. Could not believe it, but there it was. Freaked me completely, he's my best baby-maker.
He's looking better again today, left eye now subsiding, right eye just about normal. Will continue the MP treatment as directed on bottle, and usually the problems clear up completely after the second treatment (this history based on MP treatment for my male red turq who, when there's been some pair-bond related territorial aggression in the tank-- which happens when I have all three mated pairs in there-- develops a couple of white fuzzy spots, always in the same places).

And the eggs never develop this white fuzzy stuff on them?

03-24-2009, 09:33 PM
I know,you're thinking fungus. I always treat the spawning tank with Fungus Cure as soon as the spawning's finished, so the eggs never have that problem. The last couple of incidental baches in the main tank from the pigeon bloods didn't go fungusy. But actually, the red turq still has a couple very small patches, and I was just thinking tonight I should dump him in the hospital tank and treat him with fungus cure.

03-25-2009, 11:00 AM
I know,you're thinking fungus. I always treat the spawning tank with Fungus Cure as soon as the spawning's finished, so the eggs never have that problem. The last couple of incidental baches in the main tank from the pigeon bloods didn't go fungusy. But actually, the red turq still has a couple very small patches, and I was just thinking tonight I should dump him in the hospital tank and treat him with fungus cure.

Or you could do the salt dip. I have had some awesome success with some of the latest salt dips I performed on my discus a few months ago. Phenomenal affects really.
