View Full Version : Yoyo's

03-23-2009, 11:00 PM
I would like to know how safe it would be to add a small Yoyo loach for a very short time to clean up some snails that came back into my new tank??

I am not going to keep this loach just want him to do his magic and eat these nasty things. The asassin snails did not eat the snails like I hoped in my old tank and up the move i did my best to clean the driftwood plants ect of the snails but there is a few popping up now.....:angry:

I want to nip them in the but and get rid of them. My lfs said in 2 weeks they should all be gone but that seems such a short time.

Any thoughts


03-23-2009, 11:09 PM
This post just grabbed my attention because I moved 3 yoyo's out of my tank today and into another tank. I kept them for a few months with no problems to my discus. The reason I moved them is because they were aggressive eaters and my discus could not get to the food as easily. As far as the snails go, I have heard that they do a great job of controlling them, however IME they were not very interested in the snails in my tank. Other people may have had other experiances with them. Just my two cents. Also want to add that my yoyo's are some of my favorite fish, they are such charactors.

I don't think you would have a problem if you moved some small yoyo's into your tank for a short period of time. Remember though, yoyo's do well in groups so perhaps a small group of three would be good. What do you plan to do when the yoyo's services are no longer needed?


I would like to know how safe it would be to add a small Yoyo loach for a very short time to clean up some snails that came back into my new tank??

I am not going to keep this loach just want him to do his magic and eat these nasty things. The asassin snails did not eat the snails like I hoped in my old tank and up the move i did my best to clean the driftwood plants ect of the snails but there is a few popping up now.....:angry:

I want to nip them in the but and get rid of them. My lfs said in 2 weeks they should all be gone but that seems such a short time.

Any thoughts


03-23-2009, 11:17 PM
Hi, that is my concern is the food issue. I feed several times a day and I know the loaches like food. I am still thinking about this though. I would hate to add them and then they not eat the snails and steal all the food. I tried a skunk loach in my old tank with my single discus at the time and it had no interest in the snails at all and kept stealing food from the worm holder. So I really have to think about this. If I did this the loach would go back to the store. I don't want to keep it just for the snail issue. I like them but had a bad experience with the last one.

I don't want to stress my Discus out in anyway as they are my pride and joy.


03-23-2009, 11:24 PM
Hi, that is my concern is the food issue. I feed several times a day and I know the loaches like food. I am still thinking about this though. I would hate to add them and then they not eat the snails and steal all the food. I tried a skunk loach in my old tank with my single discus at the time and it had no interest in the snails at all and kept stealing food from the worm holder. So I really have to think about this. If I did this the loach would go back to the store. I don't want to keep it just for the snail issue. I like them but had a bad experience with the last one.

I don't want to stress my Discus out in anyway as they are my pride and joy.


My yoyo's got so aggressive at feeding time, I somtimes had to chase them away with a net while I fed. I would say dont bother with the yoyo's, do your best to pick the snails out as you see them. They arent going to hurt anything. Good luck.


03-23-2009, 11:28 PM
Ya the more I think about it I think I will just do the lettuce thing and catch them that way. I do have shrimp in this tank and have seen them picking at the snails also, so no yoyo then.

Thanks for the replies


03-23-2009, 11:32 PM
Ya the more I think about it I think I will just do the lettuce thing and catch them that way. I do have shrimp in this tank and have seen them picking at the snails also, so no yoyo then.

Thanks for the replies


You're welcome, and I think that's a smart choice. Best of luck with everything.


03-24-2009, 12:44 AM
Ya the more I think about it I think I will just do the lettuce thing and catch them that way. I do have shrimp in this tank and have seen them picking at the snails also, so no yoyo then.

Thanks for the replies


that's what a member suggested to me as well. i still haven't done it but i've reduced them somewhat by cleaning everything during WC. there are always some in the xp3's and under the sponge filters though.