View Full Version : Swim Bladder

03-24-2009, 07:41 AM
Hi im new here and hope someone could help.

Since last night one of our Red melons has been swimming verticaly im guessing its something to do with her swim bladder but was wondering what the best treatment was?

Feeding well and otherwise in good condition fed daily either bloodworm or beefheart flake.

71 Gallon tank

1xBlue Turk 7/8 inch 2x Blue diamonds 2 1/2 inches 1x brown 5 inches 2x Red melons 4 inches 1x pink thing cross maybe??

In a bare bottomed tank with standard Juwel Filter and lighting

P/H 6.5 temp 30c
50% water change during the course of a week a mix of RO and treated tap water

Wormed and treated for hole in the head with Hexamita during the last month

03-24-2009, 08:34 PM
Does the fish look bloated or constipated (fat belly) ?


03-25-2009, 08:00 PM
Wow it sounds like your discus had what my GLSS just had. FYI my GLSS did not make it. Good Luck on treating yours though.

03-26-2009, 10:14 PM
Hi - Not sure if this works for your fish but from my reading air bladder problem is usually dry food impacted in air bladder not allowing gas exchange.

Don't feed for a few days.
Feed peas... yes peas - google it.
if feeding dry mix some tank water in a cup with food before dumping in tank, fish may be gulping in to much air eating at the top o the tank...

no expert so maybe wait for confirmation from others... gl