View Full Version : to treat or not to treat that is the question????

03-30-2009, 06:21 PM
Well I think I am on the verge of needing to do a metro treatment in a QT tank. I have 1 of 11 discus that I noticed had white stringy poo. I have a few questions though.

Through all of my reading i didnt notice if I need to treat the tank or just pull out the affected fish and put him into the hospital?? I picked up 25 250mg pills from my vet but I am going to wait to hear from you guys before I start any treatments.

All of my water parameters are spot on, temp is 84deg. And I am doing as I have always done regular WC's with 50/50 RO tap/well water.

I first noticed 3 days ago when the little(2.5" Pigeon Red) guy would not take food. Then I noticed the other 4 2.5" juvies were picking on him and only him 3 days ago. He is now hiding and will not take food still as of today. Since he is a pigeon strain I have not noticed any darkening/peppering and he is not exhibiting any lethargic behavior i.e. swimming funny, pointed towards the top or bottom of the tank. He actually is the best looking pigeon I have with no peppering, the others are pretty peppered. Which I am not excited about at all....So should I give him a few days or start treatment?? Thanks in advance

03-30-2009, 06:57 PM
If it's Hex (Spiro V) it is transmittable through the feces of other fish. When fish mouth the feces of an affected fish, they can get the disease. i would treat the affected fish only in a case of Spironucleus.
