View Full Version : Count your blessings

03-31-2009, 03:57 PM
I hate cleaning house. I don't mind cleaning the aquarium or bird cages or even mucking out horse stalls but I hate cleaning house. As I began cleaning this morning though I started thinking about all of the people who have lost their homes due to the economy. I'm glad I have a home to clean. Of course the dogs are "helping" by tossing their slobbery toys on the glass coffee table that I just cleaned or smacking me in the back with this toy trying to get me to play. After I vaccumed the living room Duchess pulled out stuffing from one of the toys all over the clean floor and Max tracks in mud. Instead of chewing them out I hug them both because I'm lucky to have them. As I clean, my brother sits in his room watching TV. Instead of cursing him out I'm thankful that he is home and doing well because he has almost died more times than I can count and it's a miracle that he is alive. So remember that all of those irritating things that normaly drive us crazy are really blessings in disguise.

03-31-2009, 05:15 PM
Thanks for the reminder! I lost my job in January and there's not much out there. Things have been getting on my nerves lately a bit, like when my Duchess pulls the stuffings out of her bed and thinks its great fun! Or when the 3 Dobes all track mud into the house after I just cleaned. But you're right, I'm lucky to have them, to have my beautiful Discus to look at and to still have my home, for now, anyway! I will try to count my blessings more!

Greg Richardson
03-31-2009, 07:02 PM
I hear you there. Just waking up on the right side of the grass is a blessing.
Being in the construction trades for 30 years I know all about being jobless.
I go crazy after just a few days at home.

BTW. See in your profile your on or near Lake Sammamish. I'm doing a condo on the West side of the lake right now at Lake Shores Condominiums. That was quite the wind today. Thought for sure I'd see some wind surfers out there.

03-31-2009, 10:59 PM
Yeah, that was a pretty good wind. I have plenty of branches to pick up if it stops raining long enough. I'm on the east side of the lake on the plateau. Been up here since before sidewalks and traffic lights. Boy, things sure have changed.

Good luck with the job hunt. I'm trying to find a new career after teaching horseback riding and training all my life. I lost my bussiness and had to find homes for all of my animals a few years ago due to a severe medical condition. I lost most of my sight and almost my life. So I hear you about having those "on edge" days. Today I'm counting my blessings. Tomarrow its back to kicking butt.:D