View Full Version : coloring up?

04-04-2009, 11:50 AM
I have a 33 gal BB grow-out tank with about two dozen turqs in it, thirteen weeks old now. while I am beginning to see some color, they are all still showing their nine bars very strongly with very little color behind the bars so far.
When should I be seeing those bars fade and the color becoming predominant?
I am growing them out for sale to local hobbyists and do not want to sell them until the buyers can see the coloration they are getting.
Am feeding 8 - 10 times daily, fifty per cent WC daily, upped to twice daily twice a week.

Elite Aquaria
04-04-2009, 11:55 AM
That is a lot of fish for only 33 gallons of water at 3 months of age...You can do it but just make sure you don't miss a water change. You may also want to do more than 50%.

Now as far as color...that depends on your strain...If it is a red Turk you should start to see some color by the 4th month...

04-04-2009, 12:12 PM
The parents are supposedly red turqs-- or so the fellow claimed who sold them to me. But I think they are straight blue turqs.
will do bigger WCs, thanks. didn't expect this many to make it. happily. I can use a Super Syphon straight off our tap water, with Prime put in the tank, since our tap water is pretty much perfect.