View Full Version : Tank Broke!!

04-08-2009, 03:30 PM
So last night I decided to seperate my supposed breeding pair as one was being harassed by the other and being stressed and underfed because of it. I put the 60 gallon from my old stand to my new stand and set up a 30 gal on the old stand. the aggressive/ stronger fish went into the 30gal. this morning i hear this odd gurgling noise... it the sponge filter out of water!! the discus is on his side in about 2" of water and when it noticed me gave me a little wave to say "ya I'm still swimming" netted it and put it back in the 60 gallon.

should i wait a couple of days to tear down the 60 and move it to a different room so i really dry out the carpeting in the room it is currently in? or will this be too tramatic? (2 95% water changes in 2 days )

or since this is a DIY stand, will the 2x4's it's on allow the fan to blow on all the areas not compressed by the weight of stand sufficiently to dry it out?

What i dont get is that the stand the 30 gallon was on have been used for the same style 30 gal before and it was being used for the 60 gal for 4 months. Why this 30 gallon decided its front pain of glass needed to crack is beyond me. :cry:


04-08-2009, 06:24 PM
I have had this happen to me before most likely cause the spot where the tank was wasnt totally flat and it caused the glass to crack.becareful before using that stand again.

Greg Richardson
04-09-2009, 01:29 AM
Move the fish now and get your floor and carpeting dried out.
Fish will adapt, but your floor depending on how much water may not.

04-09-2009, 04:27 PM
at the current location is your stand completely level?

I found for larger tanks a slight shift may cause potential cracks, it's happened to my friend before.


Don Trinko
04-10-2009, 11:39 AM
95% wc is no problem as long as the new water is close in temp, ph and other water parameters. Don T.