View Full Version : We Have EGGS!

04-09-2009, 12:30 PM
We Have EGGS!


Hello everyone! It has been a while since I last posted. I have 5 discus that I purchased from Kenny September of last year and they have been doing great. I have em now in a 55 gal planted tank. The past few days I been 3 of them doing a tail shiver which progressed to a full body shimmy. From what I have read this meant they were getting ready to spawn. And surprise I woke up this morning and my Blue Diamond has laid eggs on the suction pipe of my Fluval 305! I'm sooo happy and excited! Problem is I'm not sure which is the father coz he's hanging out with the Blue Cobalt. My suspicion is the Pigeon Blood but its on the other side of the tank with the Cobalt.

NOW WHAT DO I DO? I have an empty BB 29 gal tank. Looks like I have to get that ready. Now for the questions:
How will I know that the eggs are fertile?
How long before the eggs hatch?
When should the parents be transffered to the empty tank?
How in the world am I going to transfer the eggs?
Is there any specific tank params I have to follow in terms of water chemistry and temp?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


04-09-2009, 10:56 PM
I have been observing the BD all day and everything was ok. But whenthe lights turned on at 10pm she started eating the eggs! :shocked2:

Now its all gone.... maybe next time they'll get it right.

Chad Adams
04-10-2009, 12:00 AM
Don't get discouraged. This is normal. See what happens
next time.

Chad Hughes
04-10-2009, 09:58 AM
I agree with Chad. This is not something that is unexpected. There are very few instances of discus spawns being successful the first time. It is exciting though. In the mean time, I would take some time to consider the commitment of breeding discus. It's a pretty big time and financial commitment. Are you ready? ;)

This will happen about every 7 to 10 days for a couple of months or so. If you are serious about breeding, take a close look at your water parameters and let us know what you have! KH, GH, Ph and TDS are good to know.

Best wishes!

04-10-2009, 10:42 AM
Next time they lay, try leaving the lights on.

04-10-2009, 12:19 PM
So surprise surprise! I wake up this morning and my Blue Cobalt and Pigeon Blood have paired off and laid eggs on the other side of the tank on one of my Amazon Sword leafs.

Well this time both of them are watching the eggs and are fanning it with their fins. Also some of the eggs have turned white which means they must be the unfertilized ones. We'll see what happens to this spawn.

In the meanwhile I will be getting my 29 gal ready. And start taking tests on my water.


04-10-2009, 06:14 PM
I would get them out and in to ther 29 gallon tank so that the magic can happen.I wish you luck.Try to post some pictures.Keep us posted

04-11-2009, 02:27 PM
Sounds like fun Marl! I agree with Dave - get them into that 29 gal.! You might want to just let nature take its course with this batch though. A couple things to consider: a cobalt and a pb aren't a very good match. If you are able to raise some fry, they may be heavily peppered. What will you do with them then? Secondly, the fry will be OK with the parents in the 29 gal for a few weeks, but you are going to need a tank around 55 gal to grow them out in. So, think success, and think success down the road. You might want to re-match them later. In the meantime, what could be more exciting than fry? Yes, pics please! :)