View Full Version : new fish

04-12-2009, 11:47 AM
Hello to you all, this is my first post on this fantastic site :)

I have a BB 55 tank and recently purchased 1 Royal Blue, 1 Blue Turk, and 2 Golden pigeons. They have been in the tank now fot 10 days.

I am worried that they are not eating anywhere enough food. Is it to early for them yet to have gotten settled or do they generly need longer.

I have tried them on shrimp flake, tetra prime granuals, tetra pro flake, blood worm and beef heart. I feed them at least 4 times a day as they are juveniles. They never "attack" the food just wait for it to sink and then slowly graze from the bottom and even then they tend to just play with it.

I give them about 30 mins of grazing and them vac up any eccess food, I also do a 25% water change everyday and all the water tests are spot on.

They sometimes still hide in the corner of the tank when i walk past which makes me think they havent settled in yet.

I look forward to your inout in the matter.

04-12-2009, 01:17 PM
forget all those food GO FOR Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef :D, trust me at first i was a skeptic wait till they get a taste of it hehe.

04-12-2009, 04:10 PM
I'd give them some more time and watch them close for any problems that might come up. Your foods should be fine. Most discus love FBW's and you're offering a variety, which is good. Can you find out what the people you bought them from were feeding them? That might help.


04-12-2009, 04:51 PM
The LFS were feeding them with beef heart, again tonight they ate it but they took there time and just grazed at it. I shall keep an eye on them and be patient! thanks for your comments

04-12-2009, 05:32 PM
Hi, My Juvi (just one), the others are much older, well, I do feed the juvi beef heart and blood worms, just like the adults. I also feed the adults live black worms and they attack them and so does the juvi. When I put in beefheart and blood worms, they will go to it, but are not that heavy hitters to it like live black worms.

In the main tank, these guys will literally splash water out of tank going to the feeding cone with live worms in it, fun to watch.

04-12-2009, 05:58 PM
Welcome to Simply Gav:)

Just to eliminate water issues, can you state your water parameters?


04-12-2009, 06:16 PM
as is always the case! Ive just fed them and they all shot out the corner and ate until the beef heart had all gone! they are now following me from one end of the tank to the other begging for more!! Nows my chance to fatten the little fellas up!

My ammonia is 0, nitrate 0 and just a trace of nitrite. I am very lucky and have soft water out the tap and just treat for chlorine etc.

I have also taken of the plastic tank back covering that i had on as it was of a dark rock face and they seem to of cheered up a bit since, I shall be going to the LFS in the morning to get some light colored background just to help cover up the wires etc at the back of the tank.

04-13-2009, 08:01 AM
Well the royal blue had a feast during the night on my neon tetras that are in the tank. One dead with no eyes, 1 half eaten tetra and another is alive but with 1 eye missing, he is now chasing the others around the tank.

Guess he now has his apitite back, time to up the feeding I think!

04-13-2009, 08:04 AM
Guess he now has his apitite back, time to up the feeding I think!

Yeah....probably. LOL


04-13-2009, 08:45 AM
My ammonia is 0, nitrate 0 and just a trace of nitrite. I am very lucky and have soft water out the tap and just treat for chlorine etc.

Are you sure that is correct? It suggests a tank that has not finished cycling. You should have 0 nitrite and a trace of nitrate.

04-13-2009, 10:00 AM
sorry I'm forever getting the two round the wrong way!! The tank has been set up for 4 months now, it was cycled using some fish from my community tank and once the discus went in most of the other fish came out except the 6 neons and 6 glow lights.

They have been fed 3 times so far today and they are not holding back with eating however still a little skittish when someone walks past the tank.