View Full Version : question about blackworms..

04-14-2009, 12:37 PM
guys, i am getting a 1lb of blackworms this weekend.. i am planning to breed the half while the other half for feeding.. that way, i will not be out of worms (i think) in the long run..

my question is, how do i breed them? what are the steps? sorry for all the questions, if you knew the link where i can make use of, please post it here.. :D

thanks for reading guys!


04-14-2009, 01:34 PM
We used to have an active member here [AKA Polar Bear] who is a friend of mine and he was quite successful in keeping a little breeding tank of california blackworms going. He set up a 10g tank with either a little power jet or a good bubbler and put in a bit of methylene blue the tank was in his fishroom in his basement--temp down there was maybe 66. He occasionally changed the water but mostly topped it off and he feed them a little high quality flake.
I think that was it.
I tried the same thing but upstairs in my house-maybe it was too warm--they turned to mush pretty quick.
Hope this helps

04-14-2009, 02:31 PM
Harriett, I forgot about Larry and the blackworms. Now I remember though, he said it was actually very easy breeding them. I have a big batch of them now so maybe I'll try it and see how it works out for me, err.. for my Discus!

04-14-2009, 02:38 PM


04-14-2009, 04:17 PM
Harriett, I forgot about Larry and the blackworms. Now I remember though, he said it was actually very easy breeding them. I have a big batch of them now so maybe I'll try it and see how it works out for me, err.. for my Discus!

My suggestion would be to start with 25-33% of what you ordered so if it doens't work you won't have lost too much? Keep that tank coolish!
Best regards,

04-15-2009, 09:44 AM
thanks for all of your input guys.. appreciate it very much!