View Full Version : plz helppppppppp fish goes crazy

04-14-2009, 06:18 PM
hello i added this product to my tank i have 10 discus in 300 liters tank 6 of them 6 inch and 4 of them 4 inch .

i have 4 of them have a little rotten on fins i used this product

when i added this product the water become green and some of the fish jump out of water and swim so fast bump on the glass what should i do pls help?
this is the product infomation

Tetra Aquarium General Tonic

How Tetra Aquarium General Tonic Works:
Tetra General Tonic contains active ingredients that are effective at controlling many of the bacterial diseases which may infect aquarium fish.
General Tonic gives effective treatment of the most common fish diseases such as parasites, bacterial infections such as finrot, fish fungus and wounds.

Tetra General Tonic aquarium treatment treats ragged fins, blood-streaked fins, wounds or abrasions, inflammation at the base of the fins, raised scales and protruding eyes.

Terra general tonic is safe to use with all freshwater aquarium fish.

How to use Tetra Aquarium General Tonic:
Add 5ml per 20 litres (4.4 gallons) of aquarium water. Treatment should be repeated at weekly intervals. Prior to redosing, it is advisable to perform a 20-30% water change, using tap water conditioned with AquaSafe. In addition to adding General Tonic, we would recommend that you seek advice as to any possible underlying causes.

04-14-2009, 06:37 PM
Well, there doesn't seem to be any information on the ingredients of this general tonic. I tried to do a few searches but could not find anything. Any medication that seems to extremely stress out your fish may need to be removed. IME any fin rot can be fixed through water quality. Upping the amount and frequency for a week or so fixes this right up.


04-14-2009, 06:55 PM
it contains :

Ethacridine-lacate 836.00 mg
Acriflavine 160.20 mg
Methylene Blue 56.44 mg
9-Aminoacridine-hydrochloride 28.20 mg

i only have 80 liters water dicloride should i remove 80 and add them

04-14-2009, 07:04 PM
I would if the fish are going crazy in the tank.


04-14-2009, 07:10 PM
That product should not bother the fish...they just may not like the colour the water is going and freaking out over it

04-14-2009, 07:23 PM
**** i just checked the date of expiration its


08/2011 or its 2008/11

04-14-2009, 07:30 PM
**** i just checked the date of expiration its


08/2011 or its 2008/11

You choose, LOL.

The color shouldn't be bothering the fish constantly, maybe initially but not after the water has been tinted for a long period of time. Do you have your lights on or off?


04-14-2009, 07:39 PM
the light is off

04-14-2009, 07:46 PM
the light is off

As Graham mentioned, it just may be the initial color. I have never had my fish freak out over colored water. Maybe yours are sensitive to colors. :confused:
