View Full Version : Water conditions for breeding

04-28-2009, 05:55 PM
I just had a couple of my discus pair off, I am going to put them in a 29gal. The ph of my water is about 7.8, the gh is 30 to 60ppm due to water softener, my kh is about 8, I age it 24 hour to get rid of any chlorine in the water and do 50% water changes daily fish are very happy in these water conditions they are between 4 to 5" and growing like crazy only had them just over a month and already spawning. Can anyone tell me if they think eggs well hatch in these conditions, I have been told no, that I need to get an ro system and make there water if I want eggs to hatch. What do you all think can eggs hatch in this water? Would greatly appreciate your opinion, and if anyone hatches eggs in these conditions

04-29-2009, 01:59 AM
Please would like any advice on this

04-29-2009, 04:45 AM
Bump for Larry,

Do any of the water/breeding experts have any good information for Larry?


04-29-2009, 05:38 AM
Maybe this will help out some Larry




04-29-2009, 09:54 AM
Maybe this will help out some Larry




Thanks Eddie can always count on you for help

04-29-2009, 10:31 AM
Larry, eggs will not hatch unless your Ph is below 7.0. The closer you get to 6.5, the higher a hatch rate you'll get (assuming your male has successfully fertilized most or all of the eggs).
Bear in mind it can take a dozen times or more before they get the hang of it. Often the female is more sexually mature than the male and the boy has to catch up, and that takes time, too.
Also your Kh is on the high side. 4 to 5 seems to be better for successful spawning.
You don't have to use RPO to get your Ph and Kh down. Distilled water works, too. If you're using a 29 gallon spawning tank, that's not a lot to buy if you get it in bulk.
The bulk containers do take up some space in your pantry, though!!

04-29-2009, 06:05 PM
" Larry, eggs will not hatch unless your Ph is below 7.0. "

Not true.


04-29-2009, 08:00 PM
Can anyone help us out here? if this is true, my eggs wont hatch either.

04-29-2009, 08:07 PM
Hi Larry,
I have pairs that spawn and have viable eggs in water that is around 7.5 (when I check it) I really should check it more often to make sure that the ph don't swing to much on the pairs that need lower tds to get it right so there is not a big ph swing, but I don't. I am far from knowing what I am doing but so far the pairs that I have are getting it right. To me each pair is different. I too tried to get just everything right and nothing happened, they would either eat the eggs or the wigglers or even the free swimmers. The first pair that got it right went to freeswim ane attachment but I think I removed them to soon, thinking that they were going to eat them because they seem to be fighting with each other. The next spawn they laid on the heater. Then their next spawn they laid on the whipping post (thats what I call the cone or the pvc thingys I made) they got to wigglers and then just before they went freeswimming they ate them:angry:. This went on for the next few spawns. So I placed them in a 20g breeder tank (oh they were in a 55g) and placed their whipping post in and they spawned again and ate just before freeswim:angry:. So on the next spawn I placed a cage over the eggs and presto!! they went to wigglers and then to freeswim and attached. The got it right again. (thank God) I can sleep at night:) they are still breeding in regular tap water with a tds of around 700 ppm. Then I have pairs that need a lower tds (80 to 120 ppm)to get it right. Go figure? So I myself think it depends on the pair. You just have to rely on the good old teacher, T&E and keep good records on each pair and find out what works.
This is just my 1.5cents worth.

A Friend in discus

04-29-2009, 11:48 PM
Thanks for your repleys, I think I am just going to have to try different things, I just hate the idea of messing with the water since they are so happy, but I guess first thing is to get them in there own tanks and see how they do, and see what I am going to do from there.

04-30-2009, 01:01 PM
i have blue turquise pair , and I am strugling to get any wrigglers in last 2 months.

My tap pH is 7.0 I use RO/ TAP mix and it was last time pH 7.0 gH ppm 65-70 and kH 3 and all eggs became white.

now I am trying to filter RO/TAP mix of water trough peat to get pH from 6.0 to 6.5

I think that some pairs will get wrigglers with pH from 7.0 to 7.5 and some will not

my pair is 4 years old and maybe they are over aged ?

they successfully bred like 6 months a go.