View Full Version : Albino Royal blue fry

Big Tuck
05-03-2009, 01:06 PM
I now have a nice batch of albino fry in the gizmo.There 7 days old today,and still very tiny.Feeding them every 2 hrs better than brine.Look very vigerous so im keeping my fingers crossed.If all continues to go well will start baby brine in a couple more days. Tuck

05-03-2009, 03:01 PM
BT, you will most likely get all RB babies as the albino gene is recessive. I did build a BT unit/giz and have a batch of Ring leps comming around. Vern says your unit is the deal:D. I dont know if the babies are eating the BTB but how can one tell anyway. I cant even see with glasses.:bandana:


05-03-2009, 03:04 PM
Hey BT,
Is there a particuler reason why you're not feeding bbs sooner? I would think starting them ASAP would be best.


Big Tuck
05-03-2009, 03:19 PM
I waited longer than normal to feed bb because the fry are SOOOOO small.I changed my mind and just put new hatched bb,so now ill see if they turn orange.I to have trouble seeing those little buggers. Tuck

05-03-2009, 04:11 PM
Thanks BT,
I was wondering if they might take longer to grow to BBS eating size due to artificial raising. It's been a long time since I've raised any that way and couldn't remember.
Let me know how it goes with the bbs.


Big Tuck
05-03-2009, 05:16 PM
Hi Kacey,its been a couple hrs. and i cant see any color in them yet.Will continue to feed the BTB until im sure there eating the BB.Will keep u posted. Tuck

05-03-2009, 06:52 PM
BT, you will most likely get all RB babies as the albino gene is recessive.

If both parents are albino, all of the fry will be albino.

Big Tuck
05-03-2009, 06:59 PM
Hi Morris yea ther both albino and i knew that was the case,just didnt want to say anything to hurt feelings. Thanks Tuck

05-03-2009, 08:18 PM
LOL... no worries m8. Just misunderstood(or didnt read closely enough). Thought you had one RB and one albino.:p

05-04-2009, 10:23 AM
I waited longer than normal to feed bb because the fry are SOOOOO small.I changed my mind and just put new hatched bb,so now ill see if they turn orange.I to have trouble seeing those little buggers. Tuck
u are feeding the bbs also 2 hrly like the btb, or longer intervals?
can confirm if the amount of btb at 2 hrly intervals also small amount like what u mentioned, using an eye dropper size of btb?

do u think the intervals can be longer, and how much btb if longer intervals like 4-5 hrs, more than the eyedrop amount?

if longer hours intervals, will the fries die from starvation if no food in between the feeding intervals?

btw, my last batch lasted all of 5 days. Any opinions?


05-04-2009, 10:36 AM
Sorry for ignorace.. What's BTB ?? Is that what you start them out on ??

Big Tuck
05-04-2009, 11:47 AM
Hi Stanlee,on this batch i didnt feed any BB for the first 7 days because they are albinos and extremely small.Im not sure there eating them even now.These babies go 12 hrs during the night without food,so 4or 5 hrs between feedings should not be a problem.If your last batch lasted 5 days and died i would suspect you may have over fed and poluted the water.If they died all at one time its usually the water.What did you end up with for the basket?Is the waste going thru and out?If you look into the basket and see a lot of waste your basket screen is to fine.You really need to go on line and get a Proctor Silex wire coffee filter.Keep me posted. Tuck

Big Tuck
05-04-2009, 11:50 AM
dpt8 BTB is a powder food called Better than Brine.Its sold on Aqua bid by Uncle. Tuck

05-04-2009, 01:36 PM
what is progress with albinos now tuck?

Big Tuck
05-04-2009, 01:48 PM
Looking OK so far.No sign of color from BB so im continuing BTB as well as BB.Have grown a little,but still very small.About the size now of a normal day old fry,and there 8 day old. Tuck

05-04-2009, 02:55 PM
That's OK. They can grow slow as long as the do grow. You might want to try the San Francisco Bay strain of bbs next time. I used them when raising fry artificially and was surprised at how much smaller they really are. Also, if you crowd the fry in with alot of bbs they have an easier time at catching them. You just have to make sure you don't leave the bbs in long enough to start dieing.


05-05-2009, 12:11 PM
That's OK. They can grow slow as long as the do grow. You might want to try the San Francisco Bay strain of bbs next time. I used them when raising fry artificially and was surprised at how much smaller they really are. Also, if you crowd the fry in with alot of bbs they have an easier time at catching them. You just have to make sure you don't leave the bbs in long enough to start dieing.

can ask in your previous experience with feeding the bbs, how long is long enough before they start dying, or should i say, how long before u are convinced that they will not be eaten and die, and thus need to suck them out ?
my problem is i cannot start the fries on bbs before they start dying on me.

05-05-2009, 12:19 PM
Well I think that most of the ring leps are dying off. I suspect it is a bacterial problem due to over feeding. I am going to lower the coffee baskets some so that the black ring is underwater. BT, did you cycle your hatching station before introducing a spawn in there?


05-05-2009, 12:21 PM
Hi Stanlee,on this batch i didnt feed any BB for the first 7 days because they are albinos and extremely small.Im not sure there eating them even now.These babies go 12 hrs during the night without food,so 4or 5 hrs between feedings should not be a problem.If your last batch lasted 5 days and died i would suspect you may have over fed and poluted the water.If they died all at one time its usually the water.What did you end up with for the basket?Is the waste going thru and out?If you look into the basket and see a lot of waste your basket screen is to fine.You really need to go on line and get a Proctor Silex wire coffee filter.Keep me posted. Tuck
hi Tuck,
they didn't die all at once.
think a few (less than 5 )died on day 4, but the fries seem less active.
Day 5 , 2/3 died and the rest lethargic.
last fry died on day 6.
So is it still polluted water?
I am going to use another filter where even bbs can go through after a while, so there will not be sediments of btb left when have another opportunity.

But at extended intervals of 4-5 hours, is the amt of btb still an eye dropper amount?

05-05-2009, 04:12 PM
can ask in your previous experience with feeding the bbs, how long is long enough before they start dying, or should i say, how long before u are convinced that they will not be eaten and die, and thus need to suck them out ?
my problem is i cannot start the fries on bbs before they start dying on me.

Hi Stan,
I would check them every 5 or 10 minutes the first time and remove them all as soon as I saw the first sign of dead bbs on the bottom of the bowl. I don't remember how long that was as it was 4 years ago.


Big Tuck
05-05-2009, 04:27 PM
If i didnt have bad luck i wouldent have any luck at all.Around 12 midnight the power went off and my alarm system failed to go off.At around 7am i awoke to find the power off.I rushed out to the fish room,but i was to late.Over 400 fry were in the gizmo and all were dead.My breeders and grow outs were all at the top of the tanks gasping.Got the generator going quickly and all seems to be ok.The power just came back on and the dam alarm worked perfectly.Needles to say ill be looking for a new alarm.Anybody got any suggestions?So now ill start all over again.Nowbody ever said life was fair or easy,oh well. Tuck

Big Tuck
05-05-2009, 05:16 PM
Hi Ed,sorry i missed your post the first time around.The Gizmo has been up and running for over a month so i would assume its cycled,however ive put fry in new R/o water with no ill effects.Its REAL easy to overfeed and plug the basket ,so you need to keep a close eye on the contents and siphon anything out thats on the bottom. Tuck

05-05-2009, 05:57 PM
Understood, Thx BT

05-05-2009, 06:24 PM
If i didnt have bad luck i wouldent have any luck at all.Around 12 midnight the power went off and my alarm system failed to go off.At around 7am i awoke to find the power off.I rushed out to the fish room,but i was to late.Over 400 fry were in the gizmo and all were dead.My breeders and grow outs were all at the top of the tanks gasping.Got the generator going quickly and all seems to be ok.The power just came back on and the dam alarm worked perfectly.Needles to say ill be looking for a new alarm.Anybody got any suggestions?So now ill start all over again.Nowbody ever said life was fair or easy,oh well. Tuck

I am very sorry to hear the news Tuck.

Take care buddy,


05-05-2009, 07:53 PM
If i didnt have bad luck i wouldent have any luck at all.Around 12 midnight the power went off and my alarm system failed to go off.At around 7am i awoke to find the power off.I rushed out to the fish room,but i was to late.Over 400 fry were in the gizmo and all were dead.My breeders and grow outs were all at the top of the tanks gasping.Got the generator going quickly and all seems to be ok.The power just came back on and the dam alarm worked perfectly.Needles to say ill be looking for a new alarm.Anybody got any suggestions?So now ill start all over again.Nowbody ever said life was fair or easy,oh well. Tuck

very bad news :(

05-06-2009, 10:16 PM
Very sorry to hear about your power outage and alarm failure. That really Sucks!!! At least you didn't lose any breeders or large fish.
Get those albino's workin again. I was curious to see how much difference, if any, there is between raising them and non-albino's in your Gizmo.


Chad Adams
05-06-2009, 11:34 PM
Sorry to hear, that's a big loss. Good thing you're not
a quitter.

05-07-2009, 12:22 AM
sorry to hear about the loss Tuck....keep trying and i'll keep buying....lol

Big Tuck
05-07-2009, 11:29 AM
Thanks to all for the kind words and incouragement.I now have a alarm that Eddie may hear in Japan!!! Tuck