View Full Version : What is the fastest time between spawns?

05-08-2009, 02:59 AM
I went to clean and water change the pair that some people say is impossible and they got kind of skittish and p'oed at the same tonight. I had pulled a 2 week old spawn last sunday and thought "must be the dry runs..." NOPE they spawned again. This is the fastest I have seen for fish in general.
The funny thing is there are offsrpring bigger than the parents out there(I sold a lot of them to local fish club for cheap) but they keep chucking them out.
So I wanted to create a poll, but can't find the tool for it, the question is:

How much time do your pairs take to make a viable spawn?
I only believe a "proven" pair meaning they can make babies and the babies live(they raise them for 2-3 weeks) to be an example. Not a sexed pair, I am talking about two hot to trot provens only.

How many days,
How many weeks,
months, etc.

Strains I think would be helpful, and how many spawns before they became "stable fish" as in they bred and raised like clockwork.

To me this is getting kind of nuts with this pair. I am thinking of splitting them, but I am also concerned about how they will fair with fish twice their size. I have two fish around 6 inch that keep throwing eggs out to immature males that re 5.5 and 8-10 months old.
Any way not a bad problem to have, just wondering.;)

05-08-2009, 05:43 PM
My PB pair took from September 08 to December 08. I didn't raise these fish myself and got them as a young pair around 8 months hat had been just spawning in a community tank.They would spawn about every 5 to 6 days. Other pairs I have raised from 2.5 inch size have done better then this when I raised them up and paired them off. About 4 spawns or so to a good parenting pair. This was the case with two of my pairs in the past.

Great Post!
