View Full Version : Water paremeters for plecos?

Big Tuck
05-10-2009, 12:01 PM
Can anyone advise me what i need to provide to my plecos to encorage them to spawn?Thanks in advance. Tuck

05-11-2009, 08:25 AM
If up have your plecos in a breeder tank,here is what I do..I have mine in 29gal tanks..one male and two females..bare bottom,a chunk of driftwood and a couple of spawning caves...the temp is around 77 deg.if they havent,spawned in a while I do a water change and throw in colder water,maybe 6 or 7 deg colder,that will usually trigger them to spawn...once they start spawning,ya can't stop the lil buggers..then after they get to about one inch I move them to a grow out tank with warmer water 81 deg...after a few weeks in that water ya can move any of them to a discus tank...I don't worry about hardness. Hope this helps.


Big Tuck
05-11-2009, 04:53 PM
Thanks Mench ill giove them a try,need more for my tanks. Tuck

05-11-2009, 05:02 PM
I just use my regular well water which is very hard. As Mench suggested temp in the mid 70s, a piece of drift wood and some pleco caves.

Big Tuck
05-11-2009, 05:08 PM
Thanks Moon thats probably the way ill try it first,my RO water is at a premeium with discus pairs to change daily.Well see what happens Tuck