View Full Version : Discus vs. Tetras (?)

05-27-2009, 01:29 PM

I have 7 (3-4") Discus in my 60gal planted tank along with 5 Red Fin Tetras (1.5"), 2 (1.5") Rummy Nose Tetras and 5 Red Eye Tetras (1.5-2") and 5 (0.75") Neons. They seems to get along well, or at least it was OK for a while.

I just have noticed that 4 out of 5 neons disapperd. I belive that Discus are ok with Neons and would not eat them, but how about Red Eye tetras? They seems to become more aggressive and fast growing fish...

I bought all tetras about 2 months ago all in one size (0.75") but since Red Eyes got crazy about the Discs food they grew up so fast. Is it ok to keep tetras that I have with my Discus? I am not worry about neither Neons, Red Fins or RummyNose but Red Eye caught my attention latley... maybe first Neon, later Disucs could become potentially in danger... what do you think???

I am thinking about removing all Red Eyes... what do you think?

05-27-2009, 08:41 PM
My money is on "THE DISCUS DID IT" !!!

05-27-2009, 11:41 PM
Anything that will fit into a discus's mouth may become a snack.


05-28-2009, 12:47 AM
Anything that will fit into a discus's mouth may become a snack.


Or DID! :p

05-28-2009, 06:35 AM
I've experienced missing tetras before too..
i agree the discus did it~

Mr Wild
05-28-2009, 09:01 AM
Yep me too, Discus is the guilty one here!

05-28-2009, 01:23 PM
I had about 20 neons and after a few weeks they were all gone and I only remember getting out 2 or 3 of them. They make a good snack for discus IMO. Just like Chris said if it will fit in their mouth they will eat it!

05-28-2009, 01:23 PM
Yep me too, Discus is the guilty one here!

So how do you guys maintain your community tanks??? Not worth $ and not to bother? :)))

05-28-2009, 02:00 PM
I have had fine luck when I introduce the tetras to the discus while the discus are smaller and the tetras pretty good size. If they are together before the discus are big enough to eat them, then later they don't seem to consider them a food source...at least in my tank.
Good luck!

05-28-2009, 04:07 PM
So how do you guys maintain your community tanks??? Not worth $ and not to bother? :)))

If I'm not mistaken I think Hatchet fish go with discus as well. Not to sure if that is the fish or not. I think I read that somewhere. They are bigger then neons.

Mr Wild
05-29-2009, 05:11 AM
So how do you guys maintain your community tanks??? Not worth $ and not to bother? :)))

Well I gave up, mine even attack my BN when they are small and one good hit kills them outright, even seen it happen. Spent $$ on peps and the same thing happened. Still a gluten for punishment though bought 2 blue corries today (I know they prefer shoals but it was all he had) They are supposed to grow a bit bigger, after QT will try them with my juvies until they are fully grown and then see what happens.
But basically yep given up! Just ended up costing too much to replace all the time and then the QT time - it became a real pain.

06-10-2009, 03:31 PM
Regular Neons never do well in the warm water the Discus require.
Red Eye Tetras are very predatory fish and also nibble on soft plants. They could have easilt torn your Neons to pieces.
They are not a good choice as Discus tank mates.

06-10-2009, 03:47 PM
I have 3 white finned tetras, and 4 red finned tetras (dont know their official names), all were fairly small when i bought them. Blood worms have been their main food source and they are really big now. They are extremely peaceful and dont bother my discus at all.


I have 7 (3-4") Discus in my 60gal planted tank along with 5 Red Fin Tetras (1.5"), 2 (1.5") Rummy Nose Tetras and 5 Red Eye Tetras (1.5-2") and 5 (0.75") Neons. They seems to get along well, or at least it was OK for a while.

I just have noticed that 4 out of 5 neons disapperd. I belive that Discus are ok with Neons and would not eat them, but how about Red Eye tetras? They seems to become more aggressive and fast growing fish...

I bought all tetras about 2 months ago all in one size (0.75") but since Red Eyes got crazy about the Discs food they grew up so fast. Is it ok to keep tetras that I have with my Discus? I am not worry about neither Neons, Red Fins or RummyNose but Red Eye caught my attention latley... maybe first Neon, later Disucs could become potentially in danger... what do you think???

I am thinking about removing all Red Eyes... what do you think?

06-10-2009, 03:57 PM
Sounds like you have Pristella(White Fin) and Bloodfins.
Both are hardy, peaceful Tetras.

06-10-2009, 04:04 PM
they are extremely peaceful..:D