View Full Version : Local Denver, CO water peramerters

06-08-2009, 10:02 PM
i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about the local water in denver co i kinda asumed it is too hard just looking for some input
Thanks Bo

06-08-2009, 10:38 PM
The Denver water board has a really good site-


If you dig through it, they have charts and historical data for all 3 treatment plants, and they're good about dealing with email questions, as well. Not bad on the phone, either.

My water (south central Denver) comes from the marston plant, for the most part, and falls into the range they claim- KH~85ppm, GH~145ppm, pH in the high 7's, occasionally a little over 8. Moderately hard- fine for rearing and keeping, may need to be modified for breeding... dunno for sure...

If your bill comes from Denver Water, then you have Denver water, no matter where you live in the metro area. Some 'burbs have their own systems, so it's important to know who your supplier is. Some suburban water is like liquid rock... obviously requiring modification for breeding...

06-08-2009, 11:58 PM
thanks agian ?john? you have gave me some good info