View Full Version : Male turq standing on his tail?

06-10-2009, 10:09 AM
Is this normal behavior? I have a female blue turqs in a tank of 2 male blue turqs all of which are old enough to breed. I know I need more in the tank a 200l but I lost a couple to my now gone sailfin plecos.

So I was doing a more regular water change and the tank is not open as this is going to one day be my W/C tank under my new 6x2x2.

Anyway one day when I was looking in I saw what I believe to be a male standing on his tale and fronting up toward the female who I know is a female. He was literally showing his **** to her and was hovering motionless in her face almost until she moved away clearly not interested in his upfront advances...

Is this a sign of pairing up or him just getting a little eager to please? I have now reduced W/C and this has stopped?

Any thoughts? Oh he swims just fine so no swim bladder problems :)

06-10-2009, 10:59 AM
Don't know, but I hate it when guys do that. :D

06-11-2009, 03:02 AM
mmorris! lol


They will start a tail stand and just as the female starts to do so also, they will both complete that head downward motion together as if to dance. Thus calling the pairing or courting a dance. If female don't complete the motion with him he will contunie untill she does or he will try another female.

hope this helps!


06-13-2009, 09:29 AM
too funny
Thanks for that. i am still getting my main tank set up and will then pay more attention to these ones and see if I can get them to get it on so to speak? I now have baby Bristlenose swimming about so thats something baby although I think they will get eaten by the Discus or corries so who knows?

Thanks again