View Full Version : Discus Throwing Up?

06-17-2009, 08:02 PM
I just saw one of my Discus throw up, first came bubbles, then came the TetraBits. It was a rather large amount, I would say 1/2 his stomache contents. It's a 5" fish, so it was a lot.

Has anyone seen this and does it mean anything?

Mr Wild
06-18-2009, 02:59 AM
I just saw one of my Discus throw up, first came bubbles, then came the TetraBits. It was a rather large amount, I would say 1/2 his stomache contents. It's a 5" fish, so it was a lot.

Has anyone seen this and does it mean anything?

Yes, I was shocked when I saw it in my tank too! My yellow he is a complete pig. I think he just over did it on dinner. But since then I always wet all food going into the tank, Flake pellets whatever, I have a plastic cup by the food just dip it in tank water get 1/2 cup then throw the food in swirl a few times and dump they love it! HTH

06-18-2009, 03:26 AM
Thanks Kath,

That definately puts me a little bit at ease. I'll keep an eye on that one though, they've gone through a lot.

Mr Wild
06-18-2009, 06:05 AM
Thanks Kath,

That definately puts me a little bit at ease. I'll keep an eye on that one though, they've gone through a lot.

Yes that is what I did, just keep an eye on him.

06-18-2009, 10:07 AM
I have also seen it once in one of my adult fish and he is fine. I guess sometimes they overeat.

I just saw one of my Discus throw up, first came bubbles, then came the TetraBits. It was a rather large amount, I would say 1/2 his stomache contents. It's a 5" fish, so it was a lot.

Has anyone seen this and does it mean anything?

06-18-2009, 11:09 AM
My Discus and I were out late one night drinking heavily. I'm a vodka drinker but they prefer whiskey. They wanted to match me for drinks which I advised against but they're adults so who am I to stop them? Long story short, there was a puke fest. I told them they should have eaten more carbs and they screamed at me saying I didn't provide any. Crazy freaking fish.

06-18-2009, 11:13 AM
Uh.... perhaps it was last night that you and the Discus were out drinking? Crazy FISH indeed, LOL :vomit: :D

I've also had a Discus vomit, but it was white stuff after I put Prazi Pro in for gill flukes. He's still around, a large adult with a healthy appetite. :confused:

06-18-2009, 03:34 PM
Thanks everyone for the comfort!

Mr Wild
06-18-2009, 07:41 PM
My Discus and I were out late one night drinking heavily. I'm a vodka drinker but they prefer whiskey. They wanted to match me for drinks which I advised against but they're adults so who am I to stop them? Long story short, there was a puke fest. I told them they should have eaten more carbs and they screamed at me saying I didn't provide any. Crazy freaking fish.


Thats a good one!! Only at my age the discus would get up in the morning better than me!:D