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View Full Version : Will this be a terrible pairing?

06-26-2009, 07:21 PM
I seem to have a new pair forming. The female was sold as an Alenquer, but I believe it's crossed with something domestic. The male is a Leopard, again could very well be crossed with who knows what.

That being said, I know it'd be hard to predict their offspring, but opinions from the experienced....would this be a terribly ugly pairing?

I'm kinda bummed, the female didn't pair with my nicer looking Leopard male but what can you do, love is blind. :D

06-26-2009, 10:40 PM
You can re-pair her if you like. :) I reserve `terribly ugly' for pb and non-pb. When you try to sell them you might find people prefer offfspring from a matched set but hey, a spotted Alenquer...:D

06-27-2009, 08:07 PM
They laid a few eggs last night but the male slowly ate them all. But it was their first time. Unfortunately her only other option right now would be another male Leopard. My other pair is a BD and a Blue SS. Which isn't such a terrible pairing probably as this one. But we'll see. I've never gotten anything past wiggler/freeswimming stage so I don't hold out too much hope here either.

Then again, knowing my luck this ugly pairing will be the most successful ever! :D I could be on to the best combination yet with these two! ha!