View Full Version : Sudden Death

06-27-2009, 01:43 AM
Hi all
Although this is about Angels i thought id ask this question here . I am having Sudden Death of my Angels in One of my 3 tanks the tank mates ae ABN and SAE'S will the SAE pick on Angels are they compatable or should i get them out of there. They are only in the 1 tank that i am having sudden death in.

07-07-2009, 02:04 AM
are you sure they are SAE's? and not their close cousins the flying fox or even a Chinese algae eater? because i've never heard of SAE's attacking other fish, i keep them with some discus with no problems, but i have heard of flying foxes and CAE's attacking other fish especially the CAE's. my guess is you have flying foxes which in that case they are maturing so this can go two ways, one they adjust or two, they kill everything, just what i've experienced, do you have another tank you can put them in?

07-07-2009, 08:13 AM
Paul, I have a 5" flying fox in my angel tank and he pays no attention at all to them. Also have had SAE and the same with them. You may have the illness that I have heard is hitting lots of angel tanks right now, like the one Eddie and others have been having with their discus too. You will need to medicate them right away, check Eddie's posts on his treatments (Too fast and furious). Good luck.

07-08-2009, 10:15 AM
Domt know what it is (guess its not the SAE'S) but will lose one here and there and only in the one tank ( have 3). then i will have no losses for a month or 2 then another loss.

07-30-2009, 11:42 PM
um are the angel fish the same size, or different sizes. I had some .75 inch angels with some 3 inch angels and the 3 inch angels would nip the fins of the small angels. I finely got 2 big pieces of driftwood and they helped the small angels hide. SAE I heard will get big and suck on fish, but I've never seen it happen as I have never had sae. I use bn plecos and clown plecos.