View Full Version : Discus tankmate: white spec on cory fin

06-29-2009, 01:59 PM
There is something on my largest of three cory cats that looks like a drop of milk. It's attached to the rear of his dorsal fin.

All water parameters are good. I change lots of water every other day or more. Partially planted tank, 55 gallons

see pics.

The three of them have been hanging out quietly under the plants more so lately, they seem to be a little more skittish lately. They do come out and "play" as usual sometimes. No other fish has any spots like this.

There are discus and some neons in the tank.

Should I just wait and see or should I consider some meds?

06-29-2009, 02:41 PM
Hi John,
How long has this been on the fish? Does it look red around the base the white drop?


06-29-2009, 03:49 PM
I have only seen it the last couple of days. I don't see any redness. It does wiggle with the dorsal fin when the fish swims.

06-29-2009, 04:37 PM
It may be a fungal growth from where an injury occured... If so...it should wipe away relatively easy if you net the fish...then try to clean the area with a q-tip and either hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

If when you net the fish the white area is firm to the touch and does not remove it may be something like a lymphocystis...in which case theres really nothing that can be done....its viral.


06-29-2009, 05:13 PM
If it does not come off, and it's viral like you say, what next? Does it just go away in time with some luck? Is it contagious to the other fish?

Peroxide? That's gonna sting! Should I give him a wooden spoon to bite into?

On a related note. The discus have been much more jumpy lately. I have been doing about 50-55% water changes about every other day. Yesterday I decided to do more, about 80%. There was about five inches of water left in the tank when I drained it. The discus huddle up during changes. This time when I walked back into the room to add the new water they went mental, flopping all around. In general they have been more skittish, reacting to me outside the tank if they think I move too quickly. They do still eat out of my hand if I take the time to fee them BW. And the cories are hiding more they ever have and they have gotten fat from all the discus feedings. Is there anything going on here?

07-08-2009, 10:46 PM
The spec is now smaller. One other (now 2 of 3) have the white spec too. Upon netting one of them and close inspection the spec seems to be gone. It's just when the dorsal fin falls down when the fish is out of water the whiteness cannot be seen. The three cories seem to hiding much more than they ever have. Should I consider any meds?