View Full Version : Problem with discus eating anything other than BH and FBW

06-30-2009, 04:31 AM
I have a total of 7 discus. Two of these have been at me since they were young and eat everything I give them. The other 5 are adult discus and have no problems eating beefheart and frozen blood worms. However, they are totally ignoring pellets, flakes and granules. I’ve tried various kinds without success. I have a feeling they were only fed BH before.

I just tried increase the temperature to 88 Fahrenheit and didn’t feed them for 48 hours. This morning I tried feeding them granules and pellets and the two who usually eat them, ate them without problems, however the other ones didn’t even try tasting!

Any other suggestions?

06-30-2009, 06:51 AM
You could try adding a garlic supplement to the water. I'd just hold out and not feed them anything but the pellets until they all eat them. Thats me though. :)

Take care,


06-30-2009, 08:15 AM
I'd just continue to feed them what they like while you are feeding the others their flakes or pellets. That's worked for me 99% of the time. I've even gotten wilds over to pellets and flakes using this method. Also, do it while they are hungriest.

I purchased 2 adults in March and they would only eat FBW. One of them began eating other foods without much problem pretty quickly. The other one, a WB, finally did start to eat BH, FBS and Mysis, but no pellets or flakes, which was fine with me since I didn't want her to eat foods that would turn her orangey or yellowish. Finally the other day I put a bit of Mysis in for her along with Vitamin Plus flakes for the others and she decided to try a flake. Spit it out, then grabbed it again and ate it. Then she said Oh, that's good and began to gobble up more flakes. Funny thing is that the Vitamin flakes are the ones that the others like least, apparently because they can taste the vitamins. So of all things, this is the flake she now loves. :)

06-30-2009, 08:48 AM
I also mix & match my foods at the same time FBW/Flake-BH/Flake-Flake/Pellets & so on. I find the fish adapt to it eventually, some fish are very picky & won't eat for days although with strong w/c's & high temp will kick them off quite quickly, especially when they see others gobbling it up. Patients is needed, although not an ever ending thing. Rome wasn't built in a day although it still got built! :D

Ahmed ;)

06-30-2009, 10:16 AM
You could add the flakes/pellets into the beefheart mixture.....when feeding time add the new beefheart mixture and also add a dash of pellets/flakes into the tank.