View Full Version : new eggs any help

07-14-2009, 06:29 PM
i have 2 pair that laied eggs is there is a way to know if the eggs are fertalized and after how many days they hatch what the color of the healthy eggs and the pair come to the cone so near and touch the eggs with there mouth but they dont eat them like they are checking them is that ok thanks a lot

07-14-2009, 06:52 PM
If they are fertile they will slowly darken, starting with a small black dot at the center after 24hrs. If they aren't fertile they'll turn white within a day or two. Eggs can be any color from clear to yellow, amber, orange, brown or red.
The parents are "mouthing" the eggs to keep them clean and clear of debris. They should hatch into wrigglers from 48 to 60 hrs, then go freeswimming in another 2 to 3 days.
Good luck,


07-14-2009, 07:09 PM
thanks a lot for the help

they laied eggs in the comunity tank but i put a spliter between them and the other discus fish is it ok to change the water at this time or i stop changing water

07-14-2009, 08:42 PM
I change water as usual during entire breeding process. They probably won't be able to raise any fry in a community tank but you can find out if the eggs are viable.
