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View Full Version : Amano Shrimp?

07-15-2009, 12:00 AM
i hate to have to use a new thread to ask about where to buy Amano shrimp but i couldn't find any anywhere near me or on aquabid. does anyone know where i can find any? all my BNP all died a few weeks ago since my discus finally figured they can bully them to death, ouch! one by one they fell, and now i need to algea cleaners. how big do they grow in size comparison to say RCS or Ghost shrimp? TIA

07-15-2009, 12:34 AM
i hate to have to use a new thread to ask about where to buy Amano shrimp but i couldn't find any anywhere near me or on aquabid. does anyone know where i can find any? all my BNP all died a few weeks ago since my discus finally figured they can bully them to death, ouch! one by one they fell, and now i need to algea cleaners. how big do they grow in size comparison to say RCS or Ghost shrimp? TIA

Hey Ricardo, won't the amano shrimp make an even better snack for the Discus? :o


07-15-2009, 02:49 AM
Hey Ricardo, won't the amano shrimp make an even better snack for the Discus? :o


i figured my ghost shrimp are still there because they are much larger than RCS and super translucent. i still haven't seen a pic of an Amano shrimp and i still need to find out how big they get. i would still like to try them in my tank since i do not want to risk a BN getting killed, but a shrimp...i can deal with that

07-15-2009, 04:02 AM
You are in luck. I just bought 25 amanos last week and received a couple of days ago from Zid Zulander (http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/swap-n-shop/89008-fs-amano-shrimp-yellow-shrimp.html). I paid only $52 for 25 with shipping included! the shrimps are big and healthy and of course very nice looking! you can't find any better deal anywhere in the world! hope that helps.

Amanos can grow up to 3in in length and can live up to 3 years provided their living condition/environment is ideal and they are well fed. They are actually considered to be super jumbo and long lived for dwarf shrimps.


i hate to have to use a new thread to ask about where to buy Amano shrimp but i couldn't find any anywhere near me or on aquabid. does anyone know where i can find any? all my BNP all died a few weeks ago since my discus finally figured they can bully them to death, ouch! one by one they fell, and now i need to algea cleaners. how big do they grow in size comparison to say RCS or Ghost shrimp? TIA

07-15-2009, 06:58 AM
They are also a greenish brown color and do a remarkable job of blending into the plants - very hard to find them in there. I have 2 in my 150 (just saw the 2nd one last week after thinking I only had 1 for months) and they have survived with large angels and loaches, so they should be safe. They are 2" now and were 1" when I put them in there.

I have a dozen more coming today that I got from blueram06 on Aquabid. You could try him. He has quality stuff and is an excellent shipper.

07-15-2009, 07:50 AM

I just wanted to point out that Amanos are not going to be good for cleaning algae from the sides of the tank so you are still going to need something for algae removal there. Also, with the high temperatures you have been having in your tank recently I would not suggest Amanos.

You might want to look into nerite snails to control algae on the sides of the tank. They don't reproduce in freshwater so your tank won't be overrun with them. They are also an excellent algae eater.

I still recommend getting BN plecos for your tank. You might want to get 2-3 large ones to start with. The Amanos and nerites together are probably going to cost you well over $100 for what you need to control algae in a tank that size. You should be able to find 3 large BN's for $30-40.

07-15-2009, 12:48 PM
You are in luck. I just bought 25 amanos last week and received a couple of days ago from Zid Zulander (http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/swap-n-shop/89008-fs-amano-shrimp-yellow-shrimp.html). I paid only $52 for 25 with shipping included! the shrimps are big and healthy and of course very nice looking! you can't find any better deal anywhere in the world! hope that helps.

Amanos can grow up to 3in in length and can live up to 3 years provided their living condition/environment is ideal and they are well fed. They are actually considered to be super jumbo and long lived for dwarf shrimps.


the link did not work for me for some reason but i will try to find the thread on plantedtank.net. thank you

They are also a greenish brown color and do a remarkable job of blending into the plants - very hard to find them in there. I have 2 in my 150 (just saw the 2nd one last week after thinking I only had 1 for months) and they have survived with large angels and loaches, so they should be safe. They are 2" now and were 1" when I put them in there.

I have a dozen more coming today that I got from blueram06 on Aquabid. You could try him. He has quality stuff and is an excellent shipper.

i will check out blueram from time to time to see if he has any.


I just wanted to point out that Amanos are not going to be good for cleaning algae from the sides of the tank so you are still going to need something for algae removal there. Also, with the high temperatures you have been having in your tank recently I would not suggest Amanos.

You might want to look into nerite snails to control algae on the sides of the tank. They don't reproduce in freshwater so your tank won't be overrun with them. They are also an excellent algae eater.

I still recommend getting BN plecos for your tank. You might want to get 2-3 large ones to start with. The Amanos and nerites together are probably going to cost you well over $100 for what you need to control algae in a tank that size. You should be able to find 3 large BN's for $30-40.

thanks Bryan, i guess i hadn't thought about the sides, and i do not have any plants in my 125 so they would be somewhat pointless really. i really loved my BNP but like i said, the all got killed one by one. i can't say i can pin it 100% to my discus but since they started to die off one by one after me having them so many months i had to blame it on someone, lol. the last one i found was actually opened in the stomach area and was being devoured by one of my ghost shrimp. do you know where they sell larger BNP? i had had mine for quite a while and they did not show any signs of growth. they got fed algae wafers and vegetables from time to time

07-15-2009, 04:01 PM
you need to sign up, if haven't done so, and be a member in order to be able to see the Swap & Shop (= classified ad) section. it's one of the unique things to the The Planted Tank website.

If controlling algae is your main concern, I would simply use one or two albino plecos and your tank will be pretty much algae free! I have 4 large tanks, ranging from 40g to 150g, all bare bottom and discus, and I have one albino in each tank and never have to worry algae ever. I've bought mine albino at Petsmart for about $3 each.

If you decide to go with pleco, you might not want the common, black ones as they will grow fast and large and can be really aggressive.


07-15-2009, 04:39 PM
That's a really good deal on ABN's.

Common plecos for the most part aren't algea eaters. When they are young they will eat algae but as they mature they are more omnivorous than anything and tend to look for meaty foods rather than plants. It's a wonder why the common pleco is still in this hobby for many reasons. It's one of those fish that I wish would stop being sold as they don't do what they are marketed to do.

07-20-2009, 11:19 PM
I can say in my tank I use RCS and nerites to clean my tank with no problems. I can get Olive Nerites cheap here in Texas and getting Zebra and Red spotted arent bad. I have used http://www.invertzfactory.com/stocklist.htm based out of Dallas. The discus dont even care about the RCS and even if they did they are way to fast for them.

07-22-2009, 11:13 AM
I agree with bs6749 that the shrimp arent good glass cleaners more plants and wood. I have RCS in my Discus tank and my Discus could careless about them besides even if they wanted to they are way to fast for them. I have seen my discus go for food on the ground near a shrimp and the shrimp gets out of the way, way before he gets there. I have Nerites and RCS to clean in my tank. Luckily for me Nerites are cheap in Texas since Olives are local. But there are Zebra and Red Spotted all of them do they job on the glass. Only downside is even though they need brackish to breed they still lay little white eggs on the glass that you have to clean.

07-23-2009, 10:22 PM
i hate to have to use a new thread to ask about where to buy Amano shrimp but i couldn't find any anywhere near me or on aquabid. does anyone know where i can find any? all my BNP all died a few weeks ago since my discus finally figured they can bully them to death, ouch! one by one they fell, and now i need to algea cleaners. how big do they grow in size comparison to say RCS or Ghost shrimp? TIA

I bought some from liveaquaria.com (dr fosters and smith live stock source).

They actually just arrived today with some tank raised cardinal tetras! :)



07-23-2009, 10:25 PM
That's a really good deal on ABN's.

Common plecos for the most part aren't algea eaters. When they are young they will eat algae but as they mature they are more omnivorous than anything and tend to look for meaty foods rather than plants. It's a wonder why the common pleco is still in this hobby for many reasons. It's one of those fish that I wish would stop being sold as they don't do what they are marketed to do.

Ditto that nerites rock!!!! '

Mine havent laid a single egg that I have seen. I have heard that egg laying occurs when algae consumption (levels) are high. I keep mine around for maintance, not to battle algae infestations, so maybe thats why I havent seen eggs???

Anyway - they are cool and they do an awesome job of keeping the tank clean!

I think ABN will really help on the DW though, and amanos can work the plants. ;)


07-24-2009, 02:35 PM
Hey Ricardo, won't the amano shrimp make an even better snack for the Discus? :o


heh, thats what happened to me! I used to have about 6 "big" ghost shrimp in my tank, once the discus figured they were food, they were doooomed lol!!! most just completely disappeared, but I would find the occasional half a shrimp floating :p

07-28-2009, 07:40 AM
I think the trick in keeping discus and shrimp in the same tank is to have a thickly planted tank. One that is sparsely planted just isn't going to have enough cover/hidey holes. I've an ongoing, breeding colony of cherry reds in with 5 discus ranging in size from the 6" blue diamond monster (was only 2½" in April) to a 2½" red snake.

08-28-2019, 10:28 AM
Hey Ricardo, won't the amano shrimp make an even better snack for the Discus? :o


I love shrimp and this recipe is one of my favorites.

Marinade For Grilled Shrimp (https://club.cooking/recipe/grilled-shrimp-marinade/)
Try shrimp with marinade for sure.

Step 1
In a medium bowl, mix garlic, paprika, cumin, olive oil, lemon juice, honey and cayenne pepper and salt. Reserve about a tablespoon for basting. Add shrimp to the mixture, thoroughly mix. Let it marinade for about 30 minutes.