View Full Version : i want to check if im doing right?

07-26-2009, 01:05 AM
im planning a 110 gallon first discus tank im going to grow 12juvies in it.will only sponge filters be fine for it if yes then how many,its gonnna be bare bottom,will 75%wc be fine everyday?? and to aid in keeping the ideal pH and alkalinity,i,ll put bogwood and peat bag in itwanted to ask if the brown tannins from the peat be alright for the discus and do i have to keep the peat bag in all the time or just till the water's turned brown? and our water has a lot of those dissolved gases you know the aquarium gets covered in bubbles from the inside for a short while(is that harmful for discus because it is harmless to any other fish)

07-26-2009, 01:16 AM
Sounds good, one thing I found is that using sponge filters alone has a positive and a negative. There isn't much flow so the fish seem super comfortable and lively but with little to no flow, you get alot of build up on the tank bottom. I find a HOB combined with sponge filters creates a happy medium.

The Peat and stuff, I wouldn't even worry about it. Are the juvenile fish domestics? If so, forget the peat or bogwood unless you are adding the wood for aesthetics.

Also, the waterchanges, you probably won't even need to do that much everyday, probably not every other day either. It will depend on how you feed, what you feed, amount of debris and what type of filtration you have. A 110 is a big tank and with 12 juvies, you have a pretty big margin for error.


07-26-2009, 08:12 PM
...one thing I found is that using sponge filters alone has a positive and a negative. There isn't much flow so the fish seem super comfortable and lively but with little to no flow, you get alot of build up on the tank bottom. I find a HOB combined with sponge filters creates a happy medium.

I noticed this too Eddie, had to add mechanical filters to get some movement happening on the bottom of the tank...:)...and stop them eating each others poo also..
