View Full Version : Drinking "waste water" from RO/DI unit

08-03-2009, 11:49 AM
Hello everyone,

back in the day I used to drink "waste water" from my RO Unit with no issues, sure it has a high mineral content but it was also sediment and carbon filtered so the water was fine.

Now my new unit has a DI filter as well, any toughts on drinking this "waste water"? I can't seem to find a reason why not drink it...


Chad Hughes
08-03-2009, 11:53 AM
Hello everyone,

back in the day I used to drink "waste water" from my RO Unit with no issues, sure it has a high mineral content but it was also sediment and carbon filtered so the water was fine.

Now my new unit has a DI filter as well, any toughts on drinking this "waste water"? I can't seem to find a reason why not drink it...



I'd say that your RO waste is probably "cleaner" than the water that comes in to your house. Like you said, it's cone through sediment, carbon and DI filters. There are many folks that use RO waste water in their fish tanks that do not require lower TDS ranges. I use it to water my lawn. ;)

Best wishes!

08-03-2009, 12:02 PM
Hello everyone,

back in the day I used to drink "waste water" from my RO Unit with no issues, sure it has a high mineral content but it was also sediment and carbon filtered so the water was fine.

Now my new unit has a DI filter as well, any toughts on drinking this "waste water"? I can't seem to find a reason why not drink it...


Hey Rod, if you start growing a third ear, at least you know where its coming from. :D


08-03-2009, 01:19 PM
doesn't everyone have 3 ears????

I just "walked" my water flow in the unit and the waste water comes out after the RO membrane, the water from the RO membrane then goes into the DI unit and comes out as 0 TDS water so as far as I can tell, drinking the water from this units waste line is the same as drinking from a regular RO unit so I am up for it!


Chad Hughes
08-03-2009, 01:57 PM
doesn't everyone have 3 ears????

I just "walked" my water flow in the unit and the waste water comes out after the RO membrane, the water from the RO membrane then goes into the DI unit and comes out as 0 TDS water so as far as I can tell, drinking the water from this units waste line is the same as drinking from a regular RO unit so I am up for it!


I see what you are saying. The RO passes through the DI, nit the waste. The waste still went through sediment and carbon. That eliminates a lot. Most home systems consist of sedimetn and carbon filters ONLY. That being said, I'd say the water is perfectly drinkable.

Best wishes!

08-03-2009, 09:33 PM
I'm sure it's drinkable, if it doesn't taste too salty, and if your tap water isn't very high in magnesium in the first place, salts of which have a definite laxative effect...

You'll know about that in short order....

08-05-2009, 03:57 PM
Dont you drink your tap water? Wouldnt the waste water be the same as your tap only better to a certain extent? Did I miss something

08-05-2009, 04:09 PM
Yes and no...the "waste water" that is rejected by the RO membrane is a more concentrated version of your tap water. Less volume of water with all the minerals in it, it is like a "super" mineral water, on the other hand it is free of solids and chemicals filtered by the membranes..I like the mineral taste so I am drinking it!!!


Chad Hughes
08-05-2009, 04:28 PM
Any cases of the runs yet? ;)

08-05-2009, 04:33 PM
not yet...: ) I'll keep u posted!


08-06-2009, 07:27 AM
not yet...: ) I'll keep u posted!


Please don't! LOL Thats a little TMI. :D

Take care Rod!


08-06-2009, 08:10 AM
no...I insist, I can even include some pictues...LMAO!!!


08-06-2009, 08:12 AM
no...I insist, I can even include some pictues...LMAO!!!


Or even video with sound, so when get everything in surround sound! LMAO


08-12-2009, 01:03 AM
I lived on un filterd water out of the Tigris River in Iraq (you could even see the chunks of god knows what floating in it) for extended periods of time and never once got sick which amazed me, thanks iodine! If this was "Ok" to drink im sure that waste water from an RO/DI unit is perfictly potable, I fill my water jugs/bottles to drink from with the waste water from my RO/DI unit all the time. It would be a waste to flush it no? Between watering plants/lawn/dogs/cats/family i would say that 99.9% of my "waste" water gets put to some good use.