View Full Version : dehumidfier water?

Jason K.
08-08-2009, 07:29 PM
i,ve recently had several conversations with my dad about using the exess dehumidifer water in a fish tank. i've tested it time and time again and seems to produce very pure nuteral water similar to my r.o. unit, anythought's, anyone?

08-08-2009, 08:46 PM
I for one would be against it. Standing water like that is just a breeding ground for bacteria and microorganisms and you'd be adding a much more concentrated solution of them than what an uncovered tank may receive. It may not hurt anything, but then again it very well could. Not worth the risk in my opinion. The little volume the tank would receive from the dehumidifier could just as easily be occupied by water from the faucet. Not worth risking the health of the fish. You'll be kicking yourself later if something happened because of it.

Jason K.
08-08-2009, 09:26 PM
these were my own thoughts, my biggest suprise was the readings from the tests. my dad has been using this water on house plants and has had nothing but positive results, but in our conversations i could only point out the negative effects it could pose upon the fishes health. he at one point kept discus and had no luck. as for me all the info i've gotten from sd has been nothing but perfect my fish are all well , though i've had a few set- backs but not all fish can achieve their max potential no matter how hard we try.