View Full Version : Types of Background for Tanks

novice breeder
08-12-2009, 01:09 PM
Hi guys,
I was wondering if anyone knows which are the preferred background colors for tanks depending on the species/ kind of discus? I know of people painting the back & sides of tanks, painting the back walls not tanks and sandwich white styrofoam on its sides. Also using laminate or wall paper, including aquarium background paper to cover the tanks. I have notice mostly a blue based color is generally used but sometimes white. Additionally the base of the tank does that also add some benefit depending on the colour??:confused::confused::confused:Any advice or info would greatly be appreciated.

08-12-2009, 01:31 PM
If you want your Discus to turn dark or if you have pigeon based Discus, to pepper up, then use dark substrate/bottom and background. If you want them to remain undarkened and unpeppered (provided you have clean fish to begin with) go with a light colored bottom and lighter colored background. The bottom color has more affect on the Discus' color than the background, but the background does have some affect too. Discus try to blend in with their surroundings so even a heavily planted tank with dark greens will cause them to darken. Discus that won't darken are those that are albinos so you can even use black bottom and background with albinos.

There are a lot of threads on the forum, you can do a search and you will find lots of info.

08-12-2009, 03:21 PM
I use blue. I think it works for all color discus out there. And theres a wide variety of types of blue. My favorite is a light, green/blue. Turqoise almost. About $4 a can at wal-mart.

Jerry has some real nice blue background tanks here http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?t=73109

I used the same color after seeing this thread - http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?t=64372&highlight=paint

Once i painted one of my tanks, they somehow ended up all getting emptied and painted. I won't use any other backgrounds from here on out, love painted tanks. I just think the paint makes the tank look neater overall and causes you to focus on the fish. Blue seems to work well with any color fish, even blues. The lighter the tank, the lighter the fish will be (in most cases).

08-14-2009, 03:46 PM

How long you should wait to set up the tank after painting the background?


08-14-2009, 05:11 PM
Assuming you painted the outside of the tank you can set it up when the paint is well dry, a day or two.

08-14-2009, 07:24 PM
I painted mine and had them setup the same day. Depends on the paint you use.

Darrell Ward
08-14-2009, 07:57 PM
I started using Styrofoam sheets cut to fit, and taped to the tank a few years ago. You can get it in a few different colors, and paint it if you like. You can also use poster foam board, sold at office supply stores, and Walmart. I see the benefit in it being a insulator, and being able to change it with ease. Just rip it off, and tape on a new one.

08-15-2009, 10:37 PM

How long you should wait to set up the tank after painting the background?


Dude, I've had tanks painted, and after a few hours later, filled with fish and water. You need to fully seal the open portions with tape and plastic and I always fill the tank first, wipe down everything with a sponge, drain it and then fill it.


08-16-2009, 07:07 PM
Thanks Eddie, I just bought the paint and I'll be painting tomorrow!:D

Don Trinko
08-17-2009, 08:13 AM
I use poster board from Wallmart. Lots of colors including light blue. Easy to change if you decide you don't like it. Don T.

08-17-2009, 09:07 AM
I like to use contact shelf paper. It is waterproof vinyl and you just peel and stick. I have a 6' tank and can get a roll that is already the right length and width. You have to check what the "contact" side color is as that is what you will see through the tank once it is stuck on. When you decide you want something different, just peel it off.