View Full Version : Productive Day!!!

08-16-2009, 03:42 AM
So after doing my water change today i decided to stop being lazy and actually do some of the things i've been delaying on doing. I said to myself, might as well get those cooler fans and do that while i'm in the mood. went to the LFS and picked up a couple coralife fans for about 35 bucks each. i had to take off the canopy (total PITA btw), took it outside and started making the circles. took longer than expected since i didn't have the correct drill bit, lol. after a while (and a few choice cuss words) i decided to go to the hardware store and get the right bit. made both circles, installed fans and put canopy back. only took about 3 hrs, lol. after i ate i decided to tackle the hydor 300. the xp3 was up and running so i had to drain the output hose to cut into it. that job was fairly straight forward and didn't take that long. i do have it off right now since it's so hot though, hence the cooling fans. lastly, i received my coralife digital power center. very cool little toy indeed (thanks Van). all in all, i'm glad i finally decided to stop being lazy and doing something productive, and it felt good when i finished everything! now i only have to re-vamp my whole stand/canopy and put a retaining wall in my 125. this might be a 2-3 day job though. we shall see. thanks for reading my mini-essay, and if your feeling lazy about doing something....get off your butt and do something!

08-16-2009, 04:13 AM
I bet that it feels good to get all of that done. Maybe I'll install my new hydor inline tomorrow now that you have made me feel lazy. LOL


08-16-2009, 10:18 AM
Oh Rick, now maybe I'll install the second Eheim 2028 that I bought and remove the XP3... maybe... since I finally have all the necessary parts to get that Eheim filtering properly...

or... maybe I'll just take a little nap instead... ;)

08-16-2009, 11:43 AM
I bet that it feels good to get all of that done. Maybe I'll install my new hydor inline tomorrow now that you have made me feel lazy. LOL


Oh Rick, now maybe I'll install the second Eheim 2028 that I bought and remove the XP3... maybe... since I finally have all the necessary parts to get that Eheim filtering properly...

or... maybe I'll just take a little nap instead... ;)

see, my one productive day might turn into everyone's productive day :D. well i hope both of you do it sooner than later, it feels good. have a great day

Chad Hughes
08-16-2009, 01:33 PM

Whenever you run out of things to do, stop by my place and I'll give a few more things to do. LOL!

Great progress on your things to do list!

Best wishes!

08-19-2009, 12:38 PM
I bet that it feels good to get all of that done. Maybe I'll install my new hydor inline tomorrow now that you have made me feel lazy. LOL


I procrastinated for a while on this task and when I finally did it, it literally took 5 minutes. I felt like an idiot.

08-19-2009, 08:03 PM
Well I've been working on this all afternoon and it is still leaking like a sieve. I cleaned the hoses and filter, installed the heater and the bottom connection will not stop leaking. So now my filter is unplugged and I don't have a spare hose to fix it. I can't drive and my brother had to have his car towed into the shop today because it wouldn't work. Grrr...so now I have run out of curse words and have no filter. Any ideas on a quick fix?


08-19-2009, 08:33 PM
Well I've been working on this all afternoon and it is still leaking like a sieve. I cleaned the hoses and filter, installed the heater and the bottom connection will not stop leaking. So now my filter is unplugged and I don't have a spare hose to fix it. I can't drive and my brother had to have his car towed into the shop today because it wouldn't work. Grrr...so now I have run out of curse words and have no filter. Any ideas on a quick fix?


it's weird that it's just the bottom hose. make sure you are unscrewing the rings on the hydor and then pushing the hose all the way in. once the hose is all the way make sure you screw the nut right onto the hose. keep tightening until you feel sure that it won't leak. if it still leaks it might be that you have a different diameter hose. what filter do you have?

08-19-2009, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the quick answer Ricardo. I have a Fluval 305. I keep pushing the hose up and tightening the ring but no luck, just a nice steady drip. While helping me my brother dumped water into the power strip. At least I can borrow another one.


08-20-2009, 01:20 AM
Thanks for the quick answer Ricardo. I have a Fluval 305. I keep pushing the hose up and tightening the ring but no luck, just a nice steady drip. While helping me my brother dumped water into the power strip. At least I can borrow another one.


man, sounds like one thing going wrong after the other. i know i've read of some members hooking up their hydor to a 405 but not sure about the 305. do you know the hose diameter? just put a stick thermometer in there in the meantime. you probably cut the hose already though huh? :o. i really don't know what else to tell you to help you out. i wish i could help you from here my friend but i really have never heard of the hydor not fitting. please keep us posted.

p.s., it's just the bottom one that drips?

08-20-2009, 01:46 AM
Well I've fussed with it some more and I noticed that the top is leaking too but just barely. Yeah, the hose is cut so the filter is unplugged. SOL Wish I could say that this is an unusualy bad day but its par for the course lately. The hose is 5/8 inch which should fit. The only thing that I can think of is the ribbing on the hose. I may hoof it to Ace hardware tomorrow and try a couple of hose clamps but not sure if this will work. Thanks for the help.


08-20-2009, 01:55 AM
Well I've fussed with it some more and I noticed that the top is leaking too but just barely. Yeah, the hose is cut so the filter is unplugged. SOL Wish I could say that this is an unusualy bad day but its par for the course lately. The hose is 5/8 inch which should fit. The only thing that I can think of is the ribbing on the hose. I may hoof it to Ace hardware tomorrow and try a couple of hose clamps but not sure if this will work. Thanks for the help.


like i said Chris, keep us updated. i put some of those hose clamps but not on the hydor end but the one that attaches to the xp3 itself. i didn't trust the little clamps they have and i put the auto clamps that you tighten with a flat-head screwdriver. the only thing i can think of, if indeed you think it might be the ribbed hose is take the end that is attached to the filter and switch it and try attaching that end to the hydor. if that doesn't work then maybe you will need to get a new hose or something. make sure you take the heater with you so that you know it fits properly. lastly, what is happening with your bio media at this point since you do not have it running? was it an established filter? if so, you need to put those in a bucket with some air. it can not stay off in the filter or it will die off.

HTH Chris

08-20-2009, 02:07 AM
Filter has been established for years. My last airstone is in the tank. This sucks. Maybe I will see if I can get a ride to a lfs and buy a new filter hose and smash the hydor. Bad for the wallet good for the mentality. LOL You would not believe the horrible luck that I have with anything with a plug.


08-20-2009, 02:10 AM
Filter has been established for years. My last airstone is in the tank. This sucks. Maybe I will see if I can get a ride to a lfs and buy a new filter hose and smash the hydor. Bad for the wallet good for the mentality. LOL You would not believe the horrible luck that I have with anything with a plug.


i just posted on your other thread Chris. if the filter is established just take out the baskets and put them in the actual tank so you do not lose the bio colony. just put some air under the basket(s). i'm not sure on how the 305 works but hopefully it does have baskets that you can remove. i'm sorry for your bad luck man. i've been there as well and i've wanted to quite the hobby. just hang in there and just try to clear your head and you probably will see the most obvious solution to your problem. hang in there buddy

08-20-2009, 02:20 AM
Thanks for all of the help Ricardo. The good news is that my discus are fine and there was chocolate ice cream in the freezer so I can mellow out now. LOL


08-20-2009, 09:28 AM
Chris, that's why I just took a nap instead... I posted in your other thread too, I do believe it is the ribbed hose that is the problem.

08-20-2009, 01:01 PM
Believe me Connie, I wish that I'd just taken a nap too. At least the bird cage went together without a problem and that's the one I was worried about. LOL
