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08-19-2009, 02:14 PM
I currently use a 20 gal long for QT/HT for my salt water set up. Would I also be able to use this as a QT/HT for adult Discus? Thanks

Chad Hughes
08-19-2009, 02:49 PM
QT, No. HT, Yes.

QTs are used to monitor new fish prior to adding them to a new tank with other fish. This tank should be as comfortable for the fish as possible and IMO should be able to hold more than one fish. I'd stick to 29 to 55 for QT. This also depends on your QT needs. Fish size, number of fish, etc.

A hospital tank on the other hand should be small, like a 20 so that you can treat one or two fish using minimal medication. If you have a whole tank full of sick fish, then you'll have to treat them in their normal tank, not at HT.

Hope that helps!

08-19-2009, 10:28 PM
Agree with Chad, 29-40-55. Anything smaller and that is a hospital tank, for treatment, IMO.

Take care.


08-19-2009, 11:22 PM
Thanks for the info. Im starting to see discus mentality vs reef mentality. Normally you wouldnt want something as big as a 55 as a quarantine tank (for salt) only because its more difficult to treat if something comes up. Also you would normally only quarintine one fish at a time, period. From what I was told I should get mutliple discus at once because of aggression issues in the display tank. Is this true? If so a 55 would make sense.

08-19-2009, 11:42 PM
Thanks for the info. Im starting to see discus mentality vs reef mentality. Normally you wouldnt want something as big as a 55 as a quarantine tank (for salt) only because its more difficult to treat if something comes up. Also you would normally only quarintine one fish at a time, period. From what I was told I should get mutliple discus at once because of aggression issues in the display tank. Is this true? If so a 55 would make sense.

Usually, I mean if you are gonna get 1 fish in, a 29 gallon would suffice. And normally and I say "normally" if you really are gonna get one in to add to your collection, its probably gonna be an adult or semi adult. Otherwise you would have a small group-29, small group of sub-adults-40 and large group-55. I mean obviously this if for the hobbyist and many do things different. This is just what I would find practical.

Take care,
