View Full Version : AHH MY FIRST EGGS!!! :)

08-28-2009, 05:16 PM
yess folks...finally....my first eggs! I have been keeping discus since the turn of the new year, so about 8 months now...and I FINALLY got my first eggs, I mean they were gone as quick as they appeared. but I cant tell you guys how happy I am!! I have been waiting and waiting for some eggs for a WHILE now. in 2 of my tanks with some of the larger fish there has been tons of shaking, and tube cleaning, and pairing activity...I knew it was any day now that I would see these eggs.

I think its kinda cool my first eggs/pair are albino. the female who layed is an albino turquoise from the man Forrest. the "male" is an albino yellow white, also from Forrest. these 2 fish have been pairing and dancing with eachother for a good 2-3 weeks atleast. about a week ago they picked their spot, and last night the eggs came.

I was tuned right in for the whole thing. I saw the female really dancing her hiney off, and cleaning the filter tube like mad...breeding tube came out, I said here we go!!

the AYW (male?) stood by and watched for a minute while the turk was laying...kind of chasing away any other fish that were too close by. but before the turk was even finnished the AYW started to eat the eggs, then they both were eating the eggs, and laying at the same time. I said wellp, since they are eating them up anyway, might aswell snap some pics! they didnt get startled by the cam flash at all. so in just a matter of minutes the eggs were there, and then eaten up by the both of them...Im sure this is normal and they both need some time to learn what they are doing. also, the AYW (male?) is not mature enough yet. still kind of small, maybe not even 5 inches TL yet. very close tho. the turk is about 6 inches TL.

anyway, agression is good right now, they arent really giving any of the other fish the beat down yet LOL. but if they start to get defensive, or start spawning on the regular, I will move them into a tank together! what do you guys think could come of this pair? Albino Turquoise X Albino Yellow White??

as you can all tell Im pretty freakin excited to finally see some eggs layed with my own eyes! IT HAS BEGUN! HAH ;):D

I can tell the blue scorp in my other tank is probably gonna pop some eggs out soon aswell, only time will tell. :)

thanks for reading guys, heres some pics I snapped when I happened to be in the right place, at the right time! ;)


Chad Hughes
08-28-2009, 05:23 PM
Very cool. I remember my first. It was exciting!

Best wishes!

Organic Farmer
08-28-2009, 05:24 PM
Way to go good luck in the future

08-28-2009, 05:33 PM
thanks Chad, and Organic! I appreciate it!:D

Sheldon Goldstien
08-28-2009, 06:06 PM
Congradulations..Here is a old discus breeder trick..Turn slate around after they spawn. If fish hatch you can then turn the slate around and see what happens.

Good Luck


08-28-2009, 06:26 PM
Congratulation Jason, I love to see the up-date:D:D:D:D:D

David Rose
08-28-2009, 06:41 PM
Very exciting news...best of luck going forward!

08-28-2009, 07:35 PM
yeah! Congrats! It is exciting, isnt it? My first batch of eggs were not eaten, just turned white and I vac all of it out after a few days while the two of them protested and picked at my hands....

It's best they eat it to help recycle the nutrients to their body, especially when it was clear the boy still had no idea what to do here!!!! Them boys are always behind the curve! :D:D:D

Great looking pair you have, and I hope your B scorpion starts soon too...you know how I feel about the blue fish!!!!B of Luck! :)mike

08-28-2009, 07:46 PM
Nice! I like the trick of turning the slate! great idea!

We boys are slow, but man when we catch up...! Best of luck with the pair!!!


08-28-2009, 07:51 PM
that great news Jason, good luck with the pair.

08-28-2009, 08:09 PM
yeah! Congrats! It is exciting, isnt it? My first batch of eggs were not eaten, just turned white and I vac all of it out after a few days while the two of them protested and picked at my hands....

It's best they eat it to help recycle the nutrients to their body, especially when it was clear the boy still had no idea what to do here!!!! Them boys are always behind the curve! :D:D:D

Great looking pair you have, and I hope your B scorpion starts soon too...you know how I feel about the blue fish!!!!B of Luck! :)mike

Thanks alot everybody! I really appreciate the comments!

Mike, the blue scorp seems like it (she?) might lay eggs any day now too, and Im pretty sure the big boy Penang Eruption would fertilize them. they both just stare at my filter intake and shiver. the penang seems like hes always just WAITIN to fertilize somethin!!! LOL, that is if it is a male, seems about right tho ;)

Francis, thanks bud, Im glad your posting again. missed you bro! :D

08-28-2009, 08:27 PM
"Staring at the intake...shaking" that's EXACTLY how it starts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're going to be seeing eggs very very soon. Hopefully your boy is ready! mike:)

08-28-2009, 08:28 PM
Congrats Jason. There is no better satisfaction than knowing all of that hard work will pay off.

Keep up the good work.

08-28-2009, 09:11 PM
Told you Jason, and you were so busy that you didn't have time to clean your filter for over 6 months! What are you gonna do when the fry hatch! You better find time brother!


08-28-2009, 10:17 PM
Congratulations! Nice looking pair. Best of luck with them.


08-29-2009, 04:30 PM
Thanks you guys!!

Eddie - I know right?! LOL. funny thing is I still havnt cleaned that albino tank canister yet! :o any day now, I promise ;)

08-29-2009, 05:04 PM
Hey, good looking Albino's Jason. They can be tough to breed but I'm sure betting on your sucess. That's an awesome looking pair.
Take care, best of luck with them :)

08-29-2009, 05:06 PM
That's good news Jason,

When they get it right, the fry should be interesting and they will all be albinos too.

Good luck with your first successful spawn, buddy! Maybe I'll see you in the breeders' section soon.

09-22-2009, 11:33 AM
alittle update, this pair spawned again last night, and this time they didnt eat the eggs up right away, also the male AYW did his runs on the eggs, but shortly after they were turning white and getting eaten. so I think hes still not old enough. but its a step in the right direction for these guys. this is only the 2nd spawn i have seen, but im sure there has been more that have gone unnoticed by me. last time, the female layed a bunch of eggs, and they both started eating them as she was laying. this time they didnt eat them all up right away (still ate alot, just not all) and also the male got more involved and made his runs on the eggs. I feel like they could be a good pair with some more time. they are also getting a bit more aggressive. I may put them in their own breeding tank at some point down the line! :D:D