View Full Version : Fry Growth & Behavoir

09-01-2009, 07:03 PM
The fry are now 9 days old of free swimming and are eating FBBS and some hatched BBS. They are eating off the bottom and do go back to the parents as well. I assume this is normal and ok behavoir. I read in a thread someplace that fry tanks (assuming at this age and still with parents) WC's should be 2-3times daily? Is that correct. They are feed alot and water is a bit cloudy, no amonnia exists.

My questions are:

Feeding them at this age 3-4 times a day and WC's per day..how many?

BBS is all that can feed fed at this stage, months are real small or should be adding something?

At what age do I feed then BH?

What size should they be at this age 9 days and then 3 weeks? Dime size is what age? Trying to get an idea of growth rate/size/duration.
They are growing but not sure at the proper rate.

Is there a chart some place?

Thanks for any help on this topic.


Peachtree Discus
09-01-2009, 07:31 PM
congrat's on your success thus far.

i understand your concern, but i would not really worry about their growth at this stage. at 9 day, it is more of a concern to make sure they are all eating well and not running out of steam. IME, if you can get them to take FBBS, you can introduce 1/2 cube of daphnia....tho it is a bit messier than FBBS. try to get/keep them eating off the bottom - that will help them learn to go for other sinking foods, flake and :drummer: bh

what size tank are they in? keep the bottom clean and 60-100% daily wc - you should be good. if the water looks like it's dirty....clean and wc.....welcome to breeding. :/

09-01-2009, 10:33 PM
The fry are now 9 days old of free swimming and are eating FBBS and some hatched BBS. They are eating off the bottom and do go back to the parents as well. I assume this is normal and ok behavoir. I read in a thread someplace that fry tanks (assuming at this age and still with parents) WC's should be 2-3times daily? Is that correct. They are feed alot and water is a bit cloudy, no amonnia exists.

My questions are:

Feeding them at this age 3-4 times a day and WC's per day..how many?

BBS is all that can feed fed at this stage, months are real small or should be adding something?

At what age do I feed then BH?

What size should they be at this age 9 days and then 3 weeks? Dime size is what age? Trying to get an idea of growth rate/size/duration.
They are growing but not sure at the proper rate.

Is there a chart some place?

Feeding 3-4 times a day is, IMO, not nearly enough. You should be aiming at feeding 6-8 times a day but not a lot each time. The water should never be cloudy. I do wc's two times a day when they are eating bbs and bh. Perhaps this time-line will help. It includes wc's, feeding and growth rates for a batch of turqs I raised a year or so ago.

09-01-2009, 11:57 PM
congrats. i found that they will take hikari first bites at this age if mixed with the BBS, then crushed flake and the occasional hikari bio gold pellet they will start picking at 2 weeks off the bottom. don't be scared of the water changes. use aged water if you can, but you can also use prime treated water if you have no storage.take lots of pics! thats my limited exp. cheers.

09-02-2009, 12:32 AM
I agree with doc here. crush and mix in foods. Sween gave me some better than brine that I use in the bbs along with flake food. Let the mix soak for a min or two and then use a turkey baster to feed. My biggest concern would be flukes in the next few weeks. If it is a big spawn then keep and eye out.


09-02-2009, 08:22 AM
Thanks all that was some great advice.

They are in a 20gal tank still with mom and dad.
They are still agressive.

I do have to clean the tank and bottom today.
I wasnt sure of how much distruption and or change in the tank these fry can handle. Sounds like they would welcome it.

I'd like to do a large 90% WC today.

Yes a good size spawn around 80 or so.

I like the FBBS and flake mix idea will try that, i have those here.

I will get some more pics soon.

Thanks again.


Peachtree Discus
09-02-2009, 08:44 AM
...use aged water if you can...

yes....aged & heated. try to get the water the same temp....or at most a couple of degrees difference. i too like to do around 90%.

09-02-2009, 04:21 PM
IMO, 50% wc's are the most I would do at 9 days old. And the change water should be right at the same temp as the tank water, or as close as you can get it. Do a couple of wc's a day and keep the inside of the tank walls, air lines etc wiped down. Squeeze out the sponge filter daily to keep it clear of dead bbs which will foul the water in a hurry. Also, don't leave food sitting on the bottom for long.
You want to keep it all as clean as you can. Your babies will know the difference. ;)


09-08-2009, 05:51 PM
Fry 16 days old eating well.

I had a neighbor take caore of the for 2 days, feed them did WC's

The male is pissed, rams me, never seen him like that. Nor sure why or waht to do. He wasnt like that when I left, do you think he pissed at me for leaving them? Hummm I wonder if that notice that?

Anyway, is it to early to move them? They eat mostly what I give them, I do see them on the parents.



09-08-2009, 05:57 PM
Glad to hear they are doing well! How about some updated pics? :) Your call when to move them. I keep them with the parents for 3+ weeks and then move the fry to a 55 gal. I have the parents in a 29 gal, though. Not much wiggle room in a 20. Some people move them early to avoid as much as possible the fry picking up parasites or whatever from the parents. I figure if they're still feeding on the parents, nature's food is best. It gives the fry a steady supply of food besides.

09-09-2009, 06:59 PM
OK here they are.

Yes I hope to move them so the parents can on with there lives.

Anymore input on the next steps woud be great.

I guess BH, Flakes, BBS, good foods and W's are next.


09-09-2009, 08:01 PM
They look good! :D Keep 'em fed and keep 'em clean! What size tank do you have for them to move to?

09-10-2009, 07:36 AM

I have 2 55gal, one establish tank. I will move the 4 in thier now to another community tank and a new 55gal tank ready to go.

Thought maybe as they grow I will have to split them into 2 groups or more.