View Full Version : going away tomorrow for 3 days...what now?

09-03-2009, 01:49 PM
hey guys, this will be the first time Im leaving my discus! :(:( ...anyway I will be leaving tomorrow night and coming back monday afternoon. I havnt fed them today...my plan is to not feed today, and do WCs on the tanks, and then tomorrow not feed again, and do WCs again. this should leave them with pleanty of clean water, they shouldnt be producing too much waste because I wont feed today or tomorrow, and they should be just fine for 2 or 3 days without food right??

just wanna make sure Im taking the right steps here...any imput or advice would be awesome!! thanks you guys!! :D:D

take care everyone, I hope you all have an awesome labor day weekend! :)

09-03-2009, 01:56 PM
Your plan sounds perfect to me. Your fish will hardly notice you are gone and will welcome you home with open fins :D!

09-03-2009, 02:16 PM
Yup...sounds like a good plan.

For a 3 day vacation, I personally would not feed for 24 hrs prior with a couple of large water changes. They will definitely be fine...heck I have gone away for 7-10 days and they seem to do fine without food or WC.

HTH, Lester

09-03-2009, 03:08 PM
Feed them some today , feed them tomorrow and go in your vacation. They will be just Fine !


09-03-2009, 03:19 PM
Hey Jason,
Your plan is sound. Should keep them in clean water while you're gone.


Chad Hughes
09-03-2009, 03:26 PM
I would hardly say that anyone can say that your plan will work since we have no idea what your setup is. How many tanks, how many discus, what kind of filtration, etc.

I know it sounds silly, but for all we know, you could have 20 discus in a 30 gallon tank. If that were the case, your plan would have some issues. ;)

Can we get some more details?

Best wishes!

09-03-2009, 07:04 PM
Yes Jason that will work fine, I think 90% of us know what size tanks you have, what filtration and what stocking density you have going on in your tanks. Knock out a big water change on all 3 tanks before you leave and don't worry about the fish, they will be perfect when you get back. I can see the future, its one of the special gifts that I have. :D I can see you sending me alot of money in the mail and its not even my birthday! LOL

Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself,


09-03-2009, 07:06 PM
As others say, three days is nothing. I have left mine two weeks before (with the exception of three feedings in that period.) Came home to find my female was laying eggs!!

09-03-2009, 07:37 PM
have a nice vacation..........away for 3 days and only require w/c when you are back in town.

09-03-2009, 08:02 PM
thanks alot you guys!!

Eddie, your funny man. you didnt get that winning lottery ticket I mailed you? I knew I shoulda ensured that envelope! :p:p:D

Chad, I have a 40 breeder with currently 3 adults, a 55 with 7, 4-6 inch fish, a 30 gal QT with 7, 3-4 inch fish (I KNOW!! they are gonna be out of there as soon as I come back!!! thats what the pink 75 gal. tank is for! ;)) and a 10 gal. hospital tank with 1, 5 inch fish that is currently not really eating.

I think everyone should be just fine, I have gone 3 days without WCs while I was home, so it should be all good. just wanted to run it by ya'll and see what you thought. ;)

thanks again :)

09-03-2009, 08:13 PM
thanks alot you guys!!

Eddie, your funny man. you didnt get that winning lottery ticket I mailed you? I knew I shoulda ensured that envelope! :p:p:D

Chad, I have a 40 breeder with currently 3 adults, a 55 with 7, 4-6 inch fish, a 30 gal QT with 7, 3-4 inch fish (I KNOW!! they are gonna be out of there as soon as I come back!!! thats what the pink 75 gal. tank is for! ;)) and a 10 gal. hospital tank with 1, 5 inch fish that is currently not really eating.

I think everyone should be just fine, I have gone 3 days without WCs while I was home, so it should be all good. just wanted to run it by ya'll and see what you thought. ;)

thanks again :)

Jason, you treating that one fish with Metro in the water?


Organic Farmer
09-03-2009, 09:54 PM
Carry on

Chad Hughes
09-04-2009, 12:09 AM
thanks alot you guys!!

Eddie, your funny man. you didnt get that winning lottery ticket I mailed you? I knew I shoulda ensured that envelope! :p:p:D

Chad, I have a 40 breeder with currently 3 adults, a 55 with 7, 4-6 inch fish, a 30 gal QT with 7, 3-4 inch fish (I KNOW!! they are gonna be out of there as soon as I come back!!! thats what the pink 75 gal. tank is for! ;)) and a 10 gal. hospital tank with 1, 5 inch fish that is currently not really eating.

I think everyone should be just fine, I have gone 3 days without WCs while I was home, so it should be all good. just wanted to run it by ya'll and see what you thought. ;)

thanks again :)

The only one that I would be concerned with is the 30 gallon, but it is only 3 days. Should be OK.

Elite Aquaria
09-04-2009, 06:32 AM

I always feed normally the days leading up to a vacation...I just do a large water change the day before I leave. The day before and the day I leave I feed only frozen blood worms. Then after the last feeding I turn off the light timers until I come back. Keeps the fish metabolism slower.

09-04-2009, 06:53 AM

I always feed normally the days leading up to a vacation...I just do a large water change the day before I leave. The day before and the day I leave I feed only frozen blood worms. Then after the last feeding I turn off the light timers until I come back. Keeps the fish metabolism slower.

Definitely, good call Dan! Lights out the entire time.


09-04-2009, 10:48 AM
thanks you guys! yep, I dont even use timers for my lights, so they will be off the whole time. thanks for all the advise guys :)