View Full Version : So what created all these amazing colors...

09-09-2009, 12:07 PM
Discus without a doubt have evolved into the most amazing displays of color anyone could ever imagine. Crossing this fish and that fish have given us the opportunity to buy a discus in almost any color one could want but I often wonder what gave us the base or the original strains that breeders built upon for so many years. The Red Turquoise, the Turquoise, the Cobalt, Couriliea (spelling?)...Ocean Green and so on.
I know when Pigeon Bloods were introduced it opened a new door and it seems Albino's have done the same thing but I still look with nostalgia back on those orginal Wattley & Schmidt - Focke strains. Sorry if I butchered names or missed part of the lineage as I left Discus for several years and like me there seems to be a few who are interested in those things of the past..in hopes we have not lost them.

09-09-2009, 12:27 PM
Discus without a doubt have evolved into the most amazing displays of color anyone could ever imagine. Crossing this fish and that fish have given us the opportunity to buy a discus in almost any color one could want but I often wonder what gave us the base or the original strains that breeders built upon for so many years. The Red Turquoise, the Turquoise, the Cobalt, Couriliea (spelling?)...Ocean Green and so on.
I know when Pigeon Bloods were introduced it opened a new door and it seems Albino's have done the same thing but I still look with nostalgia back on those orginal Wattley & Schmidt - Focke strains. Sorry if I butchered names or missed part of the lineage as I left Discus for several years and like me there seems to be a few who are interested in those things of the past..in hopes we have not lost them.

They're not lost. Just need the original breeders to give up the combo's.

09-09-2009, 06:24 PM
They're not lost. Just need the original breeders to give up the combo's.

I was told by one of the famous breeders that the original Turquoise was a cross between Royal Blue and Royal Green, which goes against do not mix wild blue and green suggestions. It makes sense as when you mix green and blue you get that color.

09-10-2009, 12:49 PM
I was told by one of the famous breeders that the original Turquoise was a cross between Royal Blue and Royal Green, which goes against do not mix wild blue and green suggestions. It makes sense as when you mix green and blue you get that color.

Yea that's what I learned as well, that the origin of the brilliant turq is a cross b/w blue and green. As they inbreed, the decendents will become bluer and bluer, and eventually becomes solid blue turqs, like cobalt. I heard once that Heckel is also involved in the bloodline of blue turq, but personally I doubt it.

Red turq is made by crossing two different blues, a royal blue male, and a blue female with solid red body.

For most of the spotted fish, their accestor is WWFF's WR19LS, a cross between different lines of RSG's made by Dr. Schmidt and later selectively bred and purified by Sunny Lo.

Brown-base solid red discus owe their red color to red body blue discus, like Cuipuea alenquers.

Other than these, I guess all other phenotypes are from mutations, like snakeskin, pigeon blue, blue diamonds, etc.
