View Full Version : Need help identifying

09-13-2009, 11:37 AM

I'm looking for some opinions on the exact types of discus that I have.

I aquired them from different sources and not quite sure exactly the type that I have.

Pic #1 - This is the first one I got first,

Pic #2 - These 2 came next

Pic #3 - This one I got from a local hobbiest, he told me it is a male Marlboro red

Pic #4 - I got 7 of the babies from a breeder out of San Diego, 6 survived and are doing great. Actually they started to do alot better once I took them out of the quarantine tank and put them in the main tank.

Pic #5 - This is a picture of the whole tank, it is a 150g acryllic tank built into the wall of my family room. I run 2 emp 400's & 2 magnum 200's on it. Everything but the gravel and fake plants was picked out of local lakes & rivers here in Michigan.

Any help on identifing what I have would be greatly appreciated.


(My desire is to get the babies to adult hood and then try and see if I can get a breeding pair out of the group. I know I have at least 1 male so I'm hoping to get a female out of the rest and see if they can breed.)

09-13-2009, 12:28 PM
first looks like a cobalt
second looks like a Checkerboard pigeon (a very clean one at that)
third seems to be right on with the marlboro red but the color is off
the babies are too young to tell

09-13-2009, 01:08 PM
1. Cobalt
2. Pigeon
3. Marlboro Red (color is washed out)
4. Too young to tell


09-13-2009, 04:30 PM
I too have 1 and 3 with me...