View Full Version : Flake food + Eheim automatic feeder questions

09-25-2009, 08:52 PM
I have to admit, I was extremely skeptical about Eddie's claims about Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef flakes, but I finally found a store that sells them around my area and decided to try it. When I opened it, I was surprised in:

1) the strong odor...
2) the large flake size

I've actually tried flakes before... many many many types of flakes. The problem was that the flakes were so small that they get "lost" in my plants and my discus are too lazy to chase after the smaller ones, and they end up fouling my water since I can't reach them to clean them out. I finally found a dry food that my female can cope with...

Which brings me to the next problem: how do I feed flake food with a feeder? My discus won't eat food that's floating since I always drop in rinsed frozen/dry food in a specific spot on my carpet plants and they've gotten used to the routine. Even my male, who is a glutton, will wait until the food drops a little, then snatches it up. I'm feeding the flakes by moistening them in a brine shrimp net and wafting it in, just like my other foods. I bought a feeding ring so at least the flakes won't be all over the place, but the question is, will the flakes eventually sink if they're soaking in the feeding ring, or will the flakes just start piling on inside the ring?

The other question is whether or not the eheim fish feeder can feed the flakes without crushing them too much? The discus seem to like the size of the flakes and I don't want a ton of tiny flakes all over the place when I come back from my trip.

Thanks for any input.

I also bought the formula one pellets by ocean nutrition but I find that they are way too small. :o

09-25-2009, 10:53 PM
You'll have to break the flakes up a little bit to get them to fall through the feeder but not too much. The other thing, place the outlet of the feeder directly about the outlet of your filter or over the bubbles from a sponge filter. The extra water agitation will allow a good number of flakes to sink. I know what you mean though, feeding with an autofeeder can be tricky. If I am home, I pinch the flake and submerse my finger tips with the flake and then let the flake go so that it sinks. ;)

Take care,
