View Full Version : R/O System recommendations...

09-27-2009, 02:35 PM
I'm looking to invest in an R/O system. Something that is 5 stage and DI. I would like something that I can have a switch to control whether the DI is filtering or not. Also rated at 50-100 GPD depending on price. I'm looking to spend between $150-$200. Please let me know of an R/O system that meets these requirements and has a good reputation. Thanks

Edit: What do you guys think of this system?


09-27-2009, 09:59 PM
Not to rain on the parade, but it's important to understand that domestic discus can be reared and kept quite successfully in hard water at a pH of 8 or even higher. Wild caught fish (and some fish other than discus), some plants, and breeding situations may well call for modified water. Some people who have extremely hard water like to mix RO into their tap water just to keep deposits down, too... although DI water often works just as well for that purpose...

As for determining what's good and what's not wrt RO equipment, somebody else will need to answer that. I've never used it, haven't found a need, Denver water being really pretty good just as it comes out of the faucet...