View Full Version : My Albino Tactics!

09-30-2009, 01:21 AM
Yeah, guess sometimes its best to keep things to yourself. Best of luck with your methods


09-30-2009, 01:40 AM
That is a cool contraption, Eddie. Seems like it's working. I'll keep my fingers cross for you man. Good luck on the second batch.

Chad Hughes
09-30-2009, 01:50 AM
Very interesting Eddie! Very interesting. :)

09-30-2009, 07:46 AM
Hey Eddie, that male is not going to want to pair up again after this, LOL. Good idea, what are you doing for bio in there or just relying on w/c's?

09-30-2009, 02:30 PM
That's a very unique way to go about it Eddie. I take it you chose the styro for it's color and size? Or was there another reason? You say they are staying attached to dad due to the confined space or do they just bump into him more frequently? Do you have a heater in there?
Good luck with this, I hope it works out for you.


09-30-2009, 03:00 PM
Kacey asked some good questions. It's important to begin with a theory as to why there were problems with the first batch, and then attempt to correct only those problems. Observations might be difficult in this box.

10-01-2009, 09:36 AM
I like the way you handled this. very happy to see your method is working. The fry are getting larger. Thank you for revealing this. I think i am going to try a similar approach with a beautiful pair of albino spotted i have been planning to separate. Keep us updated on the progress:D I knew some new creative ideas were going to come out of this. You have some beautiful pairs you are working with. I wish you the best of luck with them.


10-01-2009, 03:17 PM
Glad to hear they are still doing well. Wish I could view the vids but my computer is down again so I'm using an old one.
I tried putting an experienced female LSS in a 10gal tank with a cone full of albino eggs but she spent all her time cruising with her nose to the glass and wanting out.


10-01-2009, 06:27 PM
Good thinking on this Eddie! What are you feeding Pa? And how often? Good luck with raising some of the very first spawning. They will be special discus for sure!

10-02-2009, 02:27 AM
They are all still alive and eating off both Dad and a little breeder food they sell here in the LFS. There are only about 15 or so maybe a few more. The good thing is that none have died since they've been in the box. ;)


http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss289/extremeist/ARD/videos/th_WeekoldARD.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/albums/ss289/extremeist/ARD/videos/?action=view&current=WeekoldARD.flv)

i notice heavy breathing from one gill on this vid, is it a concern?

10-02-2009, 09:04 AM
Are you able to get banana worms in Nihon.?.....Nutritional content: 60% protein.....imo Baby brine shrimp swim faster than most young fry, making it hard for the fry to catch up with them and gobble them up.



10-03-2009, 10:11 PM
They are so darn cute Eddie! Zipping around that white box like little fireflys. I'll bet dad will be glad to get out of solitary soon. Can't wait to see them in a few weeks. I'm cycling yet another tank with the MG, this time using the weaker mix, lol.

10-04-2009, 12:17 AM
Hey Eddie,
What's this powdered food your feeding the fry and how exactly are you feeding it to them? They usually go to bbs, or bbs replacement, as the first food after parents. How can you tell they are eating it?


10-04-2009, 03:05 AM
Nice work Eddie, looks like they are ready to go back into a tank. They never seem to attach completly mine would feed of the father and then just kind of wonder around the tank but after a couple days of feeding they had no problem finding him. It will be interesting to see what happens with next spawn and how many you get, Larry.

10-04-2009, 04:12 AM
Looks like so far so good. Hope it's smooth sailing with the little ones. Dad looks like he's ready for a vacation. LOL


10-04-2009, 05:30 AM
Great Eddie!

I raised a couple of batches a while back.
I did cover the side of the tank with white paper, very little light.

Íf I had the same number frys as you had in the box, the parrents just started to lay eggs again and eat the frys even when they were attached. As you say,, then it became personal :)

I also did move the kone into a white bowl with better results, I feed them with egg yolk and later artemia.

A lot of work, but i did got my albinos :p

Someone did mention that that male of your wont pair up again.
I split the albinos later and paired them up with White butterfly

No breeding what so ever.. I put them together again,, they laid egg the same week :mad:

I split them up again, this thime I put the male with an red cover female.
It took 2-3 months before they breed.
I had the luck that the female was an Inter albino red cover.
So i got some albinos there too.

No questions about it. It takes longer for the albino fry to find the parrents. Someone will never make it.

Think you box is a great way to try to put down the kone and see if you can maximize the surviving %

10-04-2009, 10:01 AM
Hey Eddie what is the TetraMin that you are using? I was looking for it found TetraMin flakes and TetraMin crisps, and how long have they been free swimming now? Can't wait to see this 15gal breeding tank you are making. Thanks Eddie and good luck getting them on your mix, Larry.

How can I tell they are eating? There bellies are full. They go crazy at the surface when the food hits the water. If you are asking about how can I tell they are feeding off of Pa, well the video shows them swarming on Dad and feeding. I thought we went over this....I can't see there mouths without a magnifying glass. :D Also, the fry are growing larger. ;)

The food is made by Tetra, its TetraMin for tetras. I only put a small, tiny bit in at a time. Basically like the very tip of my finger.


10-04-2009, 10:05 AM
How can I tell they are eating? There bellies are full. They go crazy at the surface when the food hits the water.

Eddie, their bellies would be full because they are still feeding off on dad. At only 9 days old I think they are a bit young to `go crazy at the surface' when you are feeding them. Why have you opted not to feed bbs? For all the effort you are putting into it, raising bbs isn't much more effort and you would be giving the babies what I think is the best chance of survival and maximum possible development.

10-04-2009, 03:30 PM
Eddie...or you may wanna try the angels plus beefheart flake...this stuff would be great for fry IMO...its super fine, you can crush it up to dust...great analysis on the stuff too, check it out!

10-04-2009, 03:32 PM
How can I tell they are eating? There bellies are full. They go crazy at the surface when the food hits the water. If you are asking about how can I tell they are feeding off of Pa, well the video shows them swarming on Dad and feeding. I thought we went over this....I can't see there mouths without a magnifying glass. :D Also, the fry are growing larger. ;)

The food is made by Tetra, its TetraMin for tetras. I only put a small, tiny bit in at a time. Basically like the very tip of my finger.


Hey Eddie,
I guess I should have been more clear, sorry. Martha took my meaning as she's done this before. I was asking about the powder food only when I asked how you knew they were eating it. ie, the powder is green and you can see the green in their bellies, something like that. I've never known of fry on their parents sides to eat powdered food, and thought you might have come up with something special, that's why I asked. And bbs would be the next logical step rather than powder food.
But you're doing a great job so carry on. ;)


10-04-2009, 08:44 PM
Hey Eddie, I sure am curious to hear what your mix is that is tiny enough for small fry? Is it like a paste they can pick at on the bottom of the tank? I can't imagine grinding up your mix small enough for them! Maybe it is a secret:D?

10-04-2009, 11:25 PM
I don't want to step on anyones feet or affend anyone in any way just want to say what eddie is doing seems to working very well for him and should do what is working for him without bbs. I met someone that has some of the most amazing discus, great shape great growth and I thought getting my discus up to 6" was good, no not since I have seen his they are huge, also has some that are really old and said had one live 14 years and I beleave it. The reason I bring this up is he does not feed bbs to his fry goes completly against everything I have ever heard of but has amazing results growing out fry. I know bbs is the norm but not doesn't mean the best just from what I have seen, Larry.

10-05-2009, 08:44 AM
I missed this thread. So this is the ghetto, eh. Very ingenious. Where there is a will, there's a way.

Amazing videos

10-05-2009, 08:55 AM
I'm watching this thread like a hawk! Good luck with the fry Eddie!

Ingenuity is strong with this one...:alien:

10-05-2009, 02:37 PM
I don't want to step on anyones feet or affend anyone in any way just want to say what eddie is doing seems to working very well for him and should do what is working for him without bbs. I met someone that has some of the most amazing discus, great shape great growth and I thought getting my discus up to 6" was good, no not since I have seen his they are huge, also has some that are really old and said had one live 14 years and I beleave it. The reason I bring this up is he does not feed bbs to his fry goes completly against everything I have ever heard of but has amazing results growing out fry. I know bbs is the norm but not doesn't mean the best just from what I have seen, Larry.

No one was suggesting that Eddie shouldn't try to raise his fry w/out bbs. People have been doing that for many many years. But when someone is trying something unorthadox, it's normal to ask questions about it. That's how we pass info back and forth. I think that's all that was going on and, personaly, I was surprised that anyone would get defensive over it.


10-05-2009, 07:31 PM
I'm sorry I guess I just came off the wrong way, I have not been breeding discus that long and no expert by a long shot, always heard that bbs was the way to feed fry, and wanted to share what I have seen with my own eyes, and I don't want to affend anyone or seem defensive in any way, sorry Kacey or anyone eles that my have taken it the wrong way, Larry

No one was suggesting that Eddie shouldn't try to raise his fry w/out bbs. People have been doing that for many many years. But when someone is trying something unorthadox, it's normal to ask questions about it. That's how we pass info back and forth. I think that's all that was going on and, personaly, I was surprised that anyone would get defensive over it.


10-05-2009, 08:33 PM
I'm sorry I guess I just came off the wrong way, I have not been breeding discus that long and no expert by a long shot, always heard that bbs was the way to feed fry, and wanted to share what I have seen with my own eyes, and I don't want to affend anyone or seem defensive in any way, sorry Kacey or anyone eles that my have taken it the wrong way, Larry

No offence taken. I'm certainly not an expert by any stretch, and you're right, sharing what we're doing and thinking is the whole point to a forum like this.


10-05-2009, 10:35 PM
Hey Kacey, as soon as I get a chance to talk to the person I am talking about I will make sure he does not mind me sharing what he does and share with all of you, I was really amazed how large and heathy his discus are, and when he shared with me how he raises them out I couldn't beleave it, never even imagined raising fry the way he does, Larry.

No offence taken. I'm certainly not an expert by any stretch, and you're right, sharing what we're doing and thinking is the whole point to a forum like this.


10-06-2009, 01:20 PM
I'm no expert breeder, and my philosophy when I began was humble - I understood that I had everything to learn and my best chance of success was to learn how the experts did it and follow what they suggested to the letter. The similarities in methods is remarkable and for good reason. It meant feeding bbs and hatching it out not once a day, but twice. I gained a lot of experience with each spawn, successful or not, and over the short amount of time I have spent breeding I learned where I could "tweak" the methods a bit to fit my own setup and schedule. I alway understood, and continue to understand, that those with more experience than I have much to teach me. For me, personally, I know if I run before I learn to walk, I will fall down. :D Perhaps one day I will try a bbs substitute. :)

10-07-2009, 03:30 AM
Hi Martha, guess I spent to long in the military, there you don't have time to learn how to walk before you run, and somtimes that is the best way to learn fall on your face. But one of the most important things I learned is no one is an expert and you can learn something from someone everyday if you open yourself up to it. I do listen to experts but seems if you talk to them in person everyone has a different way, perfect example I was told I could never breed and get fry in my water because tds are 450 so went and spent alot of money on an RO unit and ended up getting 75 to 80% hatch rate in my tap water. Like I said am was not tring to affend anyone, I saw it for myself, someone that did things completly different from the experts and had amazing results. Sorry I worded it the wrong way and don't want to affend you or anyone in anyway just trying to add to it, and that there are other ways. I know from what I saw bbs were not the best in this case. I think discus are just changing so fast because of all the domestic breeding and different strains and then you have the pigion gene come in, then golden based, and now albinos, you have to addmit discus have changed allot in a very short time. But again I am sorry and hope it does not affect when I ask for help, and also sorry to Eddie for trashing your thread. Larry

I'm no expert breeder, and my philosophy when I began was humble - I understood that I had everything to learn and my best chance of success was to learn how the experts did it and follow what they suggested to the letter. The similarities in methods is remarkable and for good reason. It meant feeding bbs and hatching it out not once a day, but twice. I gained a lot of experience with each spawn, successful or not, and over the short amount of time I have spent breeding I learned where I could "tweak" the methods a bit to fit my own setup and schedule. I alway understood, and continue to understand, that those with more experience than I have much to teach me. For me, personally, I know if I run before I learn to walk, I will fall down. :D Perhaps one day I will try a bbs substitute. :)

10-07-2009, 03:40 AM
Hi Martha, guess I spent to long in the military, there you don't have time to learn how to walk before you run, and somtimes that is the best way to learn fall on your face. But one of the most important things I learned is no one is an expert and you can learn something from someone everyday if you open yourself up to it. I do listen to experts but seems if you talk to them in person everyone has a different way, perfect example I was told I could never breed and get fry in my water because tds are 450 so went and spent alot of money on an RO unit and ended up getting 75 to 80% hatch rate in my tap water. Like I said am was not tring to affend anyone, I saw it for myself, someone that did things completly different from the experts and had amazing results. Sorry I worded it the wrong way and don't want to affend you or anyone in anyway just trying to add to it, and that there are other ways. I know from what I saw bbs were not the best in this case. I think discus are just changing so fast because of all the domestic breeding and different strains and then you have the pigion gene come in, then golden based, and now albinos, you have to addmit discus have changed allot in a very short time. But again I am sorry and hope it does not affect when I ask for help, and also sorry to Eddie for trashing your thread. Larry

Not at all Larry, its all good. The thread went south early as I did not ask for suggestions, only wanted to provide information on what I was doing and what was working for me. Since successfully breeding Albino discus seems to be a hard task and many have not accomplished it, it really wouldn't make too much sense for someone to offer up their advice, if they haven't done it. No offense to those "Experts" out there. I know some feel they have nothing to learn and thats too bad.

Take care,


10-07-2009, 09:19 AM
I knew from the day you had wigglers, before your trip that some real creative things were coming. You can see it in my first reply. No doubt you are going to be raising up some beautiful babies. I love what you are doing, keep it up:D. You make it all too easy. Thanks for the updates and sharing your methods.


10-07-2009, 02:54 PM
Very nice work, see you got your thinking cap on. Whatever works for you would be the

Take Care,