View Full Version : 7 Discus in Austin, TX

09-30-2009, 09:59 PM
Have 7 Discus, all from Great Lakes.

2 x 7" Blue diamonds (the pair has bred)
1 x 7" Red Sunshine
1 x 7" Blue Snakeskin
1 x 6" Blue
1 x 6" Pigeon Blood
1 x 6" Red Snakeskin

The fish are about a year and half old - prime breeding condition, raised on best water and food.

Asking $110.00 a piece for larger ones, the smaller ones are $80.00 a piece
Or $650 for all

Willing to negotiate. Serious buyers only


<table style="width:194px;"><tr><td align="center" style="height:194px;background:url(http://picasaweb.google.com/s/c/transparent_album_background.gif) no-repeat left"><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/grubh.1/Discus?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_LtvLy5tLoHM/SsQL_MHmtTE/AAAAAAAAAE8/a0AhQ44wHxs/s160-c/Discus.jpg" width="160" height="160" style="margin:1px 0 0 4px;"></a></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:11px"><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/grubh.1/Discus?feat=embedwebsite" style="color:#4D4D4D;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;">Discus</a></td></tr></table>

10-01-2009, 03:40 PM
That snakeskin in pic4 by the Pike is lovely... good luck on your sales.


10-01-2009, 07:49 PM
That snakeskin in pic4 by the Pike is lovely... good luck on your sales.


Free bump........I think that pike is actually a geophagus.

10-02-2009, 09:45 PM
Free bump........I think that pike is actually a geophagus.

It is a Geo....Those are cool fish. Get pretty big I hear.

12-06-2009, 02:48 PM
Man, I wished I had room in my tanks - I'd sap them up in a hurry. But alas, I'm plain out of room.

Btw, please seem my recent post here. Looking for someone locally that makes/feeds beeheart:


12-08-2009, 04:14 PM
wow, john you still have the discus?

12-08-2009, 06:39 PM
Wish I could but I'm not ready to start my tank yet. They look really nice, how come you are selling them?

12-09-2009, 03:54 AM
/\------- if I think it's the person who I think it is, he is down sizing, and doesn't have the 135 gallon they where in any more.. I'd take them but all I got is a 75 gallon planted tank, and i'm really short on cash.. um for the holidays I want a big discus show tank,the gen 2 easy street air ride kit for my Xb, and some new tires because my are almost bald. I can dream right?

12-11-2009, 05:47 PM
Are yourr discus still available? If so, I am very interested.

Thank you,
