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View Full Version : shy discus

10-08-2009, 01:15 AM
My discus are etremely shy. They eat but thats about it. Every now and then they'll come out of hiding and dart through the tank and then go right back to the spot they were at previously.

My question is, i have bright lighting since its a planted tank. i also have diamond tetras that are pretty active.

is it these things thats making them shy or will they start coming out more after a few days. i've had them for less than a week. thank you everyone.

10-08-2009, 01:20 AM
I have 120gal planted tank with bright lighting. They have shaded areas under my sword plant and under a piece of driftwood but prefer to be out in the open and watching me type this at this very moment. Discus take time to get use to their new owners... especially if there isn't one discus saying "Hey everyone.. its ok.. she/he won't hurt us". Till then go slow in front of the tank... watch them from a far and move closer slowly. It works with skittish fish and then they will come out of hiding but it will be the dominate discus that does first and the others will follow :). Welcome to owning discus and I hope you enjoy it.

10-10-2009, 07:13 PM
I've heard active fish can make them nervous but I don't have personal experience. If you have somewhere for them to hide, it will take them that much longer for them to feel comfortable. How many discus do you have and how big is the tank?

10-10-2009, 07:48 PM
They should come around in time. Try feeding them something they really like, FBW, for example, from your hand. Hold still, make 'em come and get it if they want it.

I really have no experience w/ shy discus or planted tanks other than years ago. The scorps Kenny sent me were bold and brassy 30 minutes after they hit the tank, and the RSxAF came around after only a few days. They had to, because eating out of my hand was the only way to get fed...

White Worm
10-11-2009, 01:28 AM
Go about your regular business as though they are not there. They will adapt. Feed them their favorite food every time you are active around the tank and they will soon realize you are the FOOD GOD! Dont tip toe around them.