View Full Version : Anyone know a good place to get driftwood?

10-20-2009, 09:38 PM
i've been looking for driftwood, the new aquarium is going to be 80gal either a bowfront or a half cylinder i cant decide...lol but yeah i'm looking for all types of driftwood, i'd like to be able to hand pick it but unfortunately the stores around here dont carry much. also i want a beautiful fine white sand for the bottom any ideas on where to get this as well?

thanks for your ideas :D


10-20-2009, 10:17 PM
I get all my driftwood at the creek behind my house (it's a rather large creek). I check it for bugs, let it dry if its wet, check for bugs again, water log it with tank water, and check for bugs again.

Closest I've seen to white sand is white play sand (which slightly darkens when wet).

10-21-2009, 01:37 AM
also i want a beautiful fine white sand for the bottom any ideas on where to get this as well?

What I learned in my hunt for white sand is that not all "play sand" is the same. Sand is very heavy and is typically sourced locally. Each region of the world has different coloured sand. Therefore what you get in your store will depend mostly on local geology. After more than a year of loooking, I could not find white sand in my area.

As for the "branded" sand that is shipped across the country, these are much more expensive than the regular stuff in hardware stores (mostly cost of freight). CaribSea has a nice line of white silica sand. Around here, it's about $30 for 20lbs (vs. $6 for 50lbs of "play sand" which in my case is a deep tan colour).

I ended up buying 3M ColorQuartz which is a man made sand used for pool construction amongst other things. It is very hard to find a wholesaler or pool installer who will sell it to you. It is almost never retailed. But it is really awesome stuff. Unfortunately, it cost me $40 for 50lbs. If you're interested, look it up online and go to the 3M website. You might be able to find someone in your area.


10-21-2009, 10:39 AM
Try this place and got good feedbacks from members here.

Hope this helps


10-22-2009, 01:58 AM
i'm going to have to try both :) you couldn't perhaps take a picture of your tank with that 3M sand in it? I'd love to see it :)


10-23-2009, 01:22 AM
i'm going to have to try both :) you couldn't perhaps take a picture of your tank with that 3M sand in it? I'd love to see it :)


I'll try when my wife's Nikon lens comes back from the shop. BUT a quick disclaimer, I suck at taking good pictures.


10-23-2009, 08:30 PM
get it from me. lol. im a manzanita seller. i have stumps, long pieces..etc. ill send with discus when i send to edmonton or i can mail.
we have a store here called stihls. not sure if you guys have them..then have all colours . 50 pound bags for a good price. or..caribsea as someone said.

10-24-2009, 03:07 AM
is the sand really white? also i'm interested in the driftwood, i'm looking for some skinny long pieces, about 6 of them i think

10-24-2009, 09:47 AM
These guys offer the nice dense sinking malaysian stuff-

http://stores.shop.ebay.com/APetHouse-Malaysian-Driftwood__W0QQ_armrsZ1QQ_fsubZ0QQ_pgnZ2QQ_sasiZ1Q Q_scZ1QQ_sopZ1

If you want the long skinny stuff, check out Manzanita.com- be warned that the stuff doesn't sink, has to be held down...

10-24-2009, 08:29 PM
it sinks within 10 days usually. if you get long enough you can wedge it under the rim or canopy for a bit and have them going up and down. have a look at kevin22 tank . he has a very nice biotope tank for wilds. his is manzanita wood he got from me.

10-25-2009, 12:23 AM
i'm going to have to try both :) you couldn't perhaps take a picture of your tank with that 3M sand in it? I'd love to see it :)


My wife's lens does not come back until next week. In the meanwhile, I came across an old post of mine which had one picture of one of my Sterbai cories. http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showpost.php?p=563415&postcount=1

Note sure if you can see the sand clearly, but it is white and evenly granulated.


10-25-2009, 02:41 AM
WOW that is just what i need sand wise :) i love it, that's almost perfectly white it looks gorgeous, and April is it all that treelike? i'm looking for skinny single branches that are under an inch thick and are really long and curvy


10-25-2009, 02:44 AM
WOW that is just what i need sand wise :) i love it, that's almost perfectly white it looks gorgeous, and April is it all that treelike? i'm looking for skinny single branches that are under an inch thick and are really long and curvy


Hey Marek, the link that Francis posted has exactly what you are looking for.




10-25-2009, 01:42 PM
mareshow i have different lengths. long windy..thin..some branchy, all interesting and they are two toned.

10-25-2009, 01:46 PM
ok April, when you ship my fish i'll have to get you to throw in some wood as well :) i'd like my tank to look similar to this http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?t=74441&page=2 post #17, so i'd like pieces like that if you could :) thanks April
