View Full Version : Already have a pair, questions.......

05 LL Stang
11-02-2009, 01:57 PM
If you have kept up with the FREE DISCUS thread in the HANS section, you know I was one of the recipients of 3 free fish. Well I already had a SPB and a BPB, apparently the BPB and one of the new GORGEOUS 4" Fire Reds decided to pair off. So my question, what will a Blue Pigeon Blood and a Fire Red fry look like? Should I try to break this pairing? they are already defending one corner of the my 90 and a 'courting', not sure what else to call there site selection. Also, know that both of these are of the Stendker line....


05 LL Stang
11-03-2009, 07:48 PM
WOW!!! Now I have eggs. I received the female, 4" Fire Red, 3 weeks ago FOR FREE from Hans and the male, a BPB about 5.5" in size I have had for a few months. They have paired up and she is laying them as I type this message. Pretty cool stuff....

I am surprised she is laying within 3 weeks of receiving her.......or should I be?

Per a conversation I had with Hans, I am going to leave them in the community tank until the femail adds some size.

11-04-2009, 12:09 AM
good stuff!
I am pretty sure you'll have some red pretty looking Discus!
good luck.

05 LL Stang
11-04-2009, 08:34 AM
12 hours removed and I have 5 white eggs and about 125-150 brown........they have not eaten any eggs that I can see and are fiercely defending them. I might have a good pair here.....

11-04-2009, 10:41 AM
Wow...I'm very much excited as I'm reading this...please do keep us updated.

11-04-2009, 06:32 PM
Holy molly thats a lot!!!
good luck!

05 LL Stang
11-04-2009, 08:05 PM
Well, 24 hours and they still have not eaten the eggs.... good sign I guess.......and there are only 5 white eggs still.

I want her to grow out more so I will not isolate them until she has the size, but things are lookin good!

Interesting thing, my male is tending to the eggs more than female, is this normal?