View Full Version : I know you like pics :)

11-05-2009, 10:02 PM
Here are some recent pics of my 125 gal tank.
The part divided is for a mated pair im trying my hand at :)

I run two cascade 1000 and a sponge filter with a small power head -

I've got two beautiful yellow diamonds coming next week from bobtools to complete the tank. This tank is almost a year old. It used to be planted but the substrate I used made the tank HARD to keep clean.

I do 90% water changes once per week, or will do 2 50% changes per week. Right now since we had eggs on the cone I ve been doing 2 50's - we are fortunate to have a stable PH tap water, and I run peat in one of the canister, plus the driftwood helps as well, they seem to like the slightly stained water.

I know they arent "prized show" discus, but they interact with our family and my daughter spends alot of time, as do we all, just sitting and watching the show....On the opposite side of the room we have a 55 gal reef display also that has 32 species of corals and our favorite fish in that tank is a beautiful manderin.

On another wall we have a 30 gallon peacock mantis tank, if your not sure what it is, go to youtube and look it up LOL you will see why in our own twisted way why we enjoy hosting him.

Full tank shot



Dominate fish of the tank



Another shot of the dominate fish - to give perspective he is about 7" long

He's surely a mut but his pattern has developed beautifully in the last 6 months since we got him

The in love couple LOL

Thanks for looking

11-05-2009, 10:05 PM
Nice fish, the so called mutt or Pigeon Blood is quite nice. Like the pattern, shape and color.

Take care,


11-05-2009, 10:08 PM
Here are some saltwater pics

Assorted Zoas and Palys, green leather, misc,

Peacock Mantis tank

Torch coral

Nice orange rics, some of my favs - about 2 inches

Blasto - they are splitting like crazy


11-05-2009, 10:13 PM
When we got the "mutt" LOL he was 3 inches and solid orange, he has grown FAST, he pals around with the other pigeon blood, would be cool if they ended up being a pair....the turquoise i believe is stunted as he is pretty much same size and weve had him for 9 months... he has been in QT twice :( - but he bounces back, When he passes Im gonna replace him with an eruption strain, the other bluish is actual green snakeskin or something similar (not sure of some of the names)