View Full Version : Breeding and Dominance observation

11-15-2009, 09:53 PM
Dear All,

I have a question regarding discus dominance and breeding pairs.
Usually if you purchase a group of discus waiting for them to pair off , I've noticed there's always a pecking order or a dominant discus in the group,

what happens after discus pair off and the dominant discus isn't one of the pair? Does he/she still peck at the pair and the pair continue to do its thing?

or if the dominant discus still continues to peck at the pair to remove him? (or i guess better yet move the pair to it's own breeding tank)


11-15-2009, 10:06 PM
Just my two cents,
my two biggest males were always fighting for territory and possibly for the female. The female sometimes was separating them!.
I could never tell which of the 2 was the dominant as they are both the same size and about the same age....It was always a fight.
In my opinion, they will do their own thing.
If they start to spawn in the CT, the female and the male pair with fight back the other male, and he will probably will stop bugging them.
If he does continue then is better to get them in the BT...

Good luck!

11-16-2009, 04:30 AM
All discus are different and every scenario is also.


11-16-2009, 05:06 PM
The dominant fish can be a problem if he's not one of the pair. You'll need to keep an eye on things to make sure the fighting doesn't get too rough. Looks like you already know what to do if it gets out of hand.


11-16-2009, 05:51 PM
If they start to spawn in the CT, If he does continue then is better to get them in the BT...

Good luck!


11-16-2009, 06:00 PM
prob community tank and breeding tank

11-16-2009, 09:33 PM
thanks for all the scenarios, these are all what if possibilities, so just considering and thinking what I've got to do when I do get some pairing action happening

thanks everyone


11-22-2009, 04:32 PM
Way too small. The breeder tanks I use are 36" long and that's for 1 pair. What's most important is the gallons it holds more than the length. The smallest you want for a single pair is 20gals. I use 29gal for a single pair, then you'll need a 50gal or bigger to raise the fry.
