View Full Version : What else should go?

11-25-2009, 11:42 AM
I have a 260 planted tank. Kept in pristine working condition. I am going to add a small school of discus eight or so and in doing so I plan to move out some of my fish to my 75 planted tank. Anyway I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas of others I should move out.

Current stock:
6 otocats
5 peppered cory
2 julie cory
1 sterbas cory
2 yoyo botia
2 dwarf pleco
2 bumblebee catfish
2 mystery snails
4 Bamboo shrimp
20 Neons
I am moving 2 golden dojo loaches to the other tank

thanks a lot for your help!

11-25-2009, 12:11 PM
I have kept pretty much all of these with discus in planted tanks with the exception of neons. They don't do very well with the higher temps required for discus. Some of the cat fishes don't live quite as long as they would in cooler temps--I have done cories and sterbai and all sorts of loaches and dwarf plecos in that environment with good results. No experience with the bumblebees.
Are you planning to get grown discus or are you starting with smaller juveniles? There are lots of threads here dealing with starting baby discus in planted tanks vs barebottomed [BB] grow out tanks, let alone such large ones--I would encourage you to read up, to ensure your success!
There is lots of help here on Simply to be had, feel free to ask whatever you need to know!! My best regards and welcome to Simply!

11-25-2009, 01:34 PM
Thank you for your help. This forum is quite informative. I did a little research and I think I will boot the Neons over to the 75 and replace them with Cardinals who do well in temps 78-84. My tank is currently at 80. I have read that Discus live in 79 to 86 but I don't want them just to live I want them to thrive so what temp is best?

11-25-2009, 02:13 PM
best temp for adults IMHO is 82-84. juvies 84-86

11-25-2009, 02:51 PM

11-26-2009, 01:41 AM
I think Harriet gave good advice. It is true your Neons will probably live a few months less at 84*F but a mitigating factor is the size of your tank.

Your Bumble Bee Catfish are presumably Microglanis iheringi and they will be fine as members of this group.

Keep your water at 84*F rather than accommodate the fish which are supposed to be(by the book) in water 80*F or less. They will be fine at 84*F with the proviso about the Neons.

I would consider a school of one of the rhomboidal shaped Tetras for some contrast. Black Phantom Tetras are one example of such a Tetra.

11-26-2009, 03:15 AM
After doing some research I am going to go with a bare bottem 55 to raise the juvies in. I think I will keep the community just that raise my numbers on a few things and perhaps add some shrimp to that tank which I can't have with the Discus. Instead when the Discus are large enough I would like to do a species tank just set up for them. Thank you for your input and help.

11-26-2009, 10:14 AM
I'd move the ottos just because it is possible that they may feed off the slime coat of discus.

I've kept neons with discus at temps of 88 with no problems. They were there for 8 months or so and then summer came and the temp of the tank got boosted up to 92 and most of them died.

11-26-2009, 03:04 PM
Thanks but I decided to keep the discus in a single species tank and keep my community separate. This forum is very helpful and informative thanks so much for all your help!