View Full Version : Cloudy Eye

12-10-2009, 10:17 AM
Hi, I am relatively new at keeping discus. I bought several small ones in Feb. and recently got my first breeding pair. Their first batch of fry (the first eggs laid in their own tank) went free swimming yesterday. To my horror, when I woke up, my male had a cloudy eye. It looks like a white stripe down the middle and some cloudyness around it. (I have attached a picture, but it is not very clear) He also has another white line in front of the eye. Based on that, I am guessing that he somehow scratched it (please let me know if you think it is something else) When the fry were trying to attach I noticed some of them swimming across the eyes. Is it possible that they did this? Also, how should I treat this without hurting the fry?


12-10-2009, 11:22 AM
Firstly it doesn't look too serious. Congrats on the fry too.

First line of defence is clean water. Wipe the insides of the tank down at each w/c and do daily w/c's with pre heated water.

And welcome to SD :)