View Full Version : Acclimation

12-10-2009, 11:12 PM
I am getting a pair of Pigeon Bloods(Red Dragons) this Saturday afternoon. The guy that has them has a high pH of around 8.6. My aged pH is around 7.6, and I keep my tank water at around. My question is, what process do I use to introduce these fish to thier new home and new water quality.


12-10-2009, 11:19 PM
I am getting a pair of Pigeon Bloods(Red Dragons) this Saturday afternoon. The guy that has them has a high pH of around 8.6. My aged pH is around 7.6, and I keep my tank water at around. My question is, what process do I use to introduce these fish to thier new home and new water quality.


Drip method

12-10-2009, 11:20 PM
Or if you can, delay pick up date till Sunday or Monday, ask him to drop his pH by .2 each day and you raise it by .2 each day. This way by Sunday, you'll get to about 8 and he'll be down to about ~8.2. Personally, I don't like to move the pH more than .2 per day.

12-11-2009, 01:05 AM
I would drip. I took about 2 hours to get my discus in the tank. My ph was about 6 maybe closer to 5.8. The bag water tested at 7.
So I added a heater to my rubbermaid container and slowly dripped and they were fine were swimming and eating in about an hour.

12-11-2009, 07:32 AM
I would drip over several hours. I worry about TDS differences as much as pH. When I got my juvies they were in pH 6.2 & TDS of 900ppm, my water is 6.8 & 200ppm. I raised the GH & KH of the quarantine tank higher as I dripped the fish. Then lowered it over several days with small water changes.

12-11-2009, 09:24 AM
This is a method by Sophie68 and works great...

Originally Posted by sophie68
Hi Francis,
Here goes: it works very well. I just did it yesterday.

"What you can do for acclimation is this: when you receive my box, there will
be a cardboard box outside containing a styrofoam box inside. You can open
up both the cardboard box and styrofoam box and take out the blue
bags(liner) containing your 3 fish inside. Just put the blue liner on the
floor somwhere for now...now empty out all the packing material inside of
the styrofoam and you have yourself an empty styrofoam box to work with.

Start by adding ~ 3 inches of from your prepared QT tank into the empty
styro(doesn't have to be exactly 3", more or less is fine), than proceed to
cut open all the fish bags and pour everything into the styro(both fish and
water in bags). At this point you can add an airstone into the styro. About
every 15 mins start adding another 2 inches of water into the styro and do
this for about 4-5 times, and your fish should be adjusted well to your tank
water parameter. Now you're ready to just net out your 3 fish and put them
directly into your tank without problems. Discard all the water inside of
the styro and never add those into your tank."

Hope this helps.