View Full Version : Panda mania

12-12-2009, 02:07 PM
A few pics of Golden pandas that are pairing off. Pretty happy that the two nicest of the four purchased paired off. I have a albino spawn getting ready to make a run for it(free swiming) in a few hours. Maybe 60 or so wigglers. It just So happens I have a BD pair with 80 or so 1 day FS fry on the back. What luck. I want to be like Kacey and the sunshise discus band and have more than just a few albinos:D running around. Please forgive me for the dirty glass. Cleaning the inside of the tank is bad enough.


12-12-2009, 02:58 PM
Nice fish, and best of luck Ed. I will be awaiting news of those albino fry! :)

12-12-2009, 10:33 PM
Beautiful discus! Best of luck with them.


12-13-2009, 02:42 AM
love those pandas, is eye color a top priority for you with this strain? i ask because from my reading it seems it is difficult to get this strain to produce a bright red iris. would these be the same as the "silver dreamer" strain?

12-13-2009, 03:57 AM
As always your on the money Ric. Eye color is an intresting topic for discusion. 3 of the 4 have one eye red and the other eye yellow. I have to admit that I really enjoy the small differences that these discus have. If I can breed them it would be intresting to see the percentage of pure red eyes on both sides. I am going to try and cross albino and Golden pandas soon. If the offspring survive I then would have GPs I think. Either is fine though.


12-13-2009, 04:38 AM
Nice fish Ed!

All the best,


12-13-2009, 12:59 PM
As always your on the money Ric. Eye color is an intresting topic for discusion. 3 of the 4 have one eye red and the other eye yellow. I have to admit that I really enjoy the small differences that these discus have. If I can breed them it would be intresting to see the percentage of pure red eyes on both sides. I am going to try and cross albino and Golden pandas soon. If the offspring survive I then would have GPs I think. Either is fine though.


very interesting Ed. furthermore from my reading it states that as the filial goes away from the ghost discus a redder iris is achieved. also, the light dusting on the body can be subdued. When i read all of this i became really interested in the strain and praise those that know how to deal with it since it is not an easy strain to deal with IMHO. kudos to you for acquiring such beauties and having a breeding program that focuses on making the strain better. the only thing that i get lost on is when the Calico discus comes into the picture. do you have any knowledge of this? thank you

12-13-2009, 01:07 PM
3 of the 4 have one eye red and the other eye yellow. Ed

It's a shame this combination isn't preferred for judging, because it would be so difficult for breeders of other strains to achieve it! :D

12-13-2009, 05:44 PM
Hi Ric, any way to link my to your info? Thx Bud


12-13-2009, 10:36 PM
Thought I would update on albinos. I have 40 to 50 FS albino babies atm. Intresting to see how differently they act as compared to BD babies. The BDs parents have them huddled together for the moment so at least the albino babies are not all over the tank. I can see the merits of lower water now. I did put a light over tank and the albino babies started to scatter like cockroaches. I took the light away. It appears that the female BD is hanging with the Albino babies near the bottom. Some of the albino babies go and feed and then go right back to the school. I guess Ill have to wait a few days to see if they attach. If they do I will get pics. I remeber the albino tangerine cross babies did pretty much the same thing.


12-13-2009, 11:41 PM
Are the albino parents in the tank as well?

12-14-2009, 12:24 AM
Albino and BD parents together?? Dont think that would work.

12-14-2009, 02:37 AM
Hi Ric, any way to link my to your info? Thx Bud


i'm sorry Ed i did not understand the question, forgive me.

Darren's Discus
12-14-2009, 02:44 AM
Very nice,
all the best with them.


12-14-2009, 09:45 AM
Hi Ric, Sorry about that. It would help if I learned how to spell:crazy:. I was just humblely asking for any info you might have on the Ghost discus. I bought without knowing a whole lot about thier backround.

Thx Darren, I am very intrested in seeing what the outcome would be with either pure ghosts or a cross of say a 3R.


12-14-2009, 10:42 AM
Albino and BD parents together?? Dont think that would work.

I thought that was odd, but it wasn't clear that the bd's were foster parents.

12-14-2009, 10:55 AM
My bad Martha.

12-14-2009, 05:48 PM
How are the albino fry doing today Ed? I wonder if the two strains will develope at different rates? I've heard of breeders culling most of the parents fry when fostering albino's out to give the albino's the best chances. Do the BD's seem to be accepting the albino fry as their own?


12-14-2009, 09:05 PM
Hi Kacey,

I think there are around 20 to 30 Ablino fry attached atm along with 80 or so BD fry. The BD fry are 2 days older and two times bigger though. The BD parents are good breeders as they took the Albinos as thier own and even tracked down strays. They herded the alinos to a sponge filter and the fry would go back and forth to feed. Picture number 3 is a 3R tangerine x. They had at least 150 heathly wigglers on the cone. The male 3R(rookie) moved the spawn a few times. Most of the wigglers are now dead and scattered about the bottom of the tank. I am scratching my head here. I have another BD pair with eggs on the cone and they should pop out by tomorrow. The albino and BD fry with the other pair is fine. Central system so its all the water is the same. I was thinking maybe the x was no good in terms of compatibility, but I have another spawn of 40 or so dime sized fry with the same female. I was shocked:shocked::shocked:

Any thoughts?


12-14-2009, 10:42 PM
The only times I've found dead wrigglers scattered around the bottom like that it was due to the parents either fighting or getting spooked and squashing them accidently. That really sucks. But it sounds like you have a few to fall back on.
My albino's fry used to fall off the cone the second they went wriggler, but they weren't dead.


12-14-2009, 11:16 PM
Ya seen that with the albinos where the fry were all over. I covered the cone with a screen on the last batch and the wigglers stayed on the cone till they went swiming. Lost a few around the bottom but most of them were good. No fighting with the parents. young male took lead the on this spawn as far as moving them around. Lips of steel I guess. Never seen a die off like this b4. Has me a bit worried. Dont really want to treat for flukes with young albinos on the back. ack


12-15-2009, 12:00 AM
Sorry to hear about the 3r x tan fry. I used a not-for-aquarium divider I shouldn't have used and poisoned the fry so that they fell off the cone and died within hours. Both parents ended up dieing as well. Hopefully the parents just screwed up. They'll have another go. Sounds like you have a lot of fry to play with though.

12-29-2009, 05:34 PM

I figure to have between 15 to 20 pure albinos fry and 50 or so BD fry on the back of the BD pair and all are eating BBS. Seems I have one male and 3 females from the ghost pandas as 3 of them have laid eggs. I would love to take credit here but the credit really needs to go to the breeders that Kenny and Forest are dealing with. To get discus in such good health is really a treat.


12-29-2009, 10:53 PM

I figure to have between 15 to 20 pure albinos fry and 50 or so BD fry on the back of the BD pair and all are eating BBS. Seems I have one male and 3 females from the ghost pandas as 3 of them have laid eggs. I would love to take credit here but the credit really needs to go to the breeders that Kenny and Forest are dealing with. To get discus in such good health is really a treat.


that's great news! i'm glad to hear it. update whenever you can

12-29-2009, 11:05 PM
Thats great Ed, gotta be great to have foster parents. ;)

Take care,


12-30-2009, 03:56 AM
Sounds like you have your hands full. Any update pics?


01-01-2010, 12:00 AM
update pics of albinos.... I think I may have 4 females on the Pandas... may have to ask Kenny if you can get me a male from Forest. Bummer.
It seems that babies at 2 weeks of age like white worms. I had a culture with a ton of very youngs worms in it, In the mean time all of the BD babies have been moved to grow out tanks. I do have two panda females with eggs crossing albino males. That might prove intresting.:antlers: I think there around 15 albinos atm. All of the spots in the water would be BBS


01-01-2010, 12:08 AM
Great pictures Ed! The fry look great too.

All the best!


01-01-2010, 09:32 AM
Well done Ed! Fry look great! :)

01-01-2010, 12:47 PM
Thx guys

01-01-2010, 03:14 PM
Lookin good Ed. Keep it up and they'll grow like weeds.


01-15-2010, 09:42 AM
A few pics of Golden pandas that are pairing off. Pretty happy that the two nicest of the four purchased paired off. I have a albino spawn getting ready to make a run for it(free swiming) in a few hours. Maybe 60 or so wigglers. It just So happens I have a BD pair with 80 or so 1 day FS fry on the back. What luck. I want to be like Kacey and the sunshise discus band and have more than just a few albinos:D running around. Please forgive me for the dirty glass. Cleaning the inside of the tank is bad enough.


What is the Red guy in the middle?

01-15-2010, 10:30 AM
Hi Dave,

The middle picture shows a young male Royal,Ruby,Red aka 3R. There has been an intresting turn of events. Its seems I have 4 female pandas. Every mans dream I guess:whip:. The albino babies are around nickel sized and I will get a pic on the next post. I have a albino panda cross of around 100 or so wigglers that are just going free swimming. The wigglers are dark so I would think that most of the fry will take the panda coloration. What do you think Rod? Will it be possible to get lighter pandas on a cross back breeding?


01-21-2010, 04:22 PM

Congrats on fry, GL with them, I remember you mentioned albinos.


03-02-2010, 07:16 PM
Update with a few pics. Sorry about the quality(Im Ed Not Eddie). I have a few tanks of BDs at different sizes. Albino juvees that are around half dollar size(15) and I threw them in with a younger tangerine spawn. Tank with smaller BDs has a tangx3R babies that are around quarter sized. I really am shocked to see how much of the 3R gene is exspressing itself, the red is really comming out early in these guys. The larger tangerine fish are albino tang crosses. At 13 months they are 4 to 6 inches in size now. Things are about to get intresting:D


03-02-2010, 07:21 PM
very nice.
I like Albinos more and more

03-02-2010, 07:40 PM
Nice job Ed! Love the shape of the BD and Albinos.

All the best,


03-02-2010, 09:26 PM
Few more pics for giggles

Yes that is a holy albino.... Never seen a hole in a tail like that, kind of why hes in that tank instead of the others

03-02-2010, 09:30 PM
Nice shots Ed, really liking them blues!

All the best,


Kingdom Come Discus
03-06-2010, 12:47 AM
Exciting!!!! Great fun.

03-07-2010, 10:42 PM
I got to say I read this trhread and I am totally jealous :D ha ha..No really I would love to have all that going on I am just getting back into it man now I have the fever really itching me :D

03-08-2010, 05:41 PM
Hi, Ed,

They all look wonderful. You must have finished that other rack you were working on for more tanks, otherwise, where would you put all these fish? Great job on the pairing. Keep us posted on developments.

03-08-2010, 06:23 PM
they look nice and nice body shape.good luck;)

03-16-2010, 10:13 AM
Hi Don,

Sorry for the late reply, but you are correct about the other rack. Still dont have the top tanks up though. The cost of water and electricity is hampering my efforts. I did post on craigslist today to sell baby BDs in the area. Hope it offsets some of my cost. Thx for looking Don, you da man:)


03-22-2010, 06:02 PM
Haha, I actually saw your thread. I was wondering the if you were a member of SD! Funny how I saw this, then recognized the pictures. :)
Very good looking brood I must say!

Sigh, I wish I had your luck. A couple of my fish spawned a few days ago...then ate all the eggs within the hour....

03-23-2010, 11:08 AM
Hi Boon,

Young pairs can do this sometimes. The trick is to have optimal water conditions.
Well as stated before, I was shipped 4 FEMALE Golden pandas. I have been crossing diff males to see what I get. The albino males seem to produce a mix. Not sure what yet but very few are barless. I did cross a GP with a 3R male. I shot some photos of the pair who have around 40 babies at dime size. 3 weeks old. All seem to be barless which is intresting. I am not Rod, and I dought that I will ever match his intellect or knowlege as to the ins and outs of genetics, but when too recessive genes are dominant does that mean that the offspring will inheiret both traits? *rubs temples* I think I understand StarTrek better with their quantum physics. The last picture is a albino that seems to have alot of BD traits. Thx for looking. As always if you have questions plz ask. Eddie, 10 weeks till TX Buddie:D


03-24-2010, 08:54 AM
Hi Boon,

Young pairs can do this sometimes. The trick is to have optimal water conditions.
Well as stated before, I was shipped 4 FEMALE Golden pandas. I have been crossing diff males to see what I get. The albino males seem to produce a mix. Not sure what yet but very few are barless. I did cross a GP with a 3R male. I shot some photos of the pair who have around 40 babies at dime size. 3 weeks old. All seem to be barless which is intresting. I am not Rod, and I dought that I will ever match his intellect or knowlege as to the ins and outs of genetics, but when too recessive genes are dominant does that mean that the offspring will inheiret both traits? *rubs temples* I think I understand StarTrek better with their quantum physics. The last picture is a albino that seems to have alot of BD traits. Thx for looking. As always if you have questions plz ask. Eddie, 10 weeks till TX Buddie:D


Very very nice Ed! I like the Albino BD alot!

All the best and thanks for the update! 10 weeks, so soon!

Take care,


03-24-2010, 11:49 AM
haha.... ok maybe 11 but whos counting:D

03-24-2010, 10:44 PM
I'm assuming you guys are talking about the NADA show right? Too bad I can't make it.