View Full Version : Angels??

12-15-2009, 12:35 AM
Hi guys,

I've been reading on a few websites about discus that angel fish make decent tank mates but there is some disagreement on this point.....

So, what do you guys think?

I love both breeds of fish but wouldn't want to risk losing either of them.

12-15-2009, 01:01 AM
I keep Angels with my Discus and they do great. I would say Keep more Discus then Angels if possible :). Other then that they didnt add any disease or any problems to my Discus when I added them. Don't see any problems at all with them... other will disagree but we all agree and disagree just depends on what it is :). Hope this helps.

12-15-2009, 01:20 AM
As long as the angels are healthy and from a reliable source no issues. I keep them together also without problem.

12-15-2009, 03:41 AM
thanks guys,

I'll wait till my guys grow a little bit more I think before I put the angels in with them. I just can't wait to see them all together, :)

12-15-2009, 06:40 AM
I think they go well together :) Even with large angels :)

12-15-2009, 12:02 PM
They can go together, but I would make sure that the discus are much larger than the angelfish before putting them into the same tank. My reasoning for this is that angels are more aggressive eaters (in general) and will outcompete smaller discus for the food leaving you with stunted discus. Discus like to graze and pick at their food and can be in the act of eating for an hour or more easily. Angels on the other hand like to devour it all at once.

I've kept smaller angels with larger discus and have had no problems and I've kept large angelfish with larger discus with no problems. Just make sure that your discus have enough food and that they aren't being harassed by the angels otherwise they will have to be removed.

12-15-2009, 03:22 PM
Hey Paul !! BE_U_TI_FUL discus !! especially like the first pic !!

The problem I have with angels are they are VERY aggressive !! I have wild red spotted scalares and they are demonic. Just intimidate the discus at times..

12-15-2009, 04:20 PM
Hey Paul !! BE_U_TI_FUL discus !! especially like the first pic !!

The problem I have with angels are they are VERY aggressive !! I have wild red spotted scalares and they are demonic. Just intimidate the discus at times..

In my experience this would be the exception rather than the rule. I've kept lots of Angels over the years. I've kept mated angels with mated discus and had them both spawning at the same time and seen no more aggression out of angels than the discus. I've also kept all size angels with all size discus. The key to making sure that the discus eat enough I think is to feed floating flake food (which the angels will mostly focus on) and feed sinking food together. The discus will get most of the sinking food while the angels are busy with the floating food.

Hope that helps,

12-15-2009, 05:51 PM
A little off topic, but can anyone recommend a good site and/or breeders of Angels? I like them too, especially the solid Black and the Golden ones.

12-15-2009, 07:14 PM
In my experience this would be the exception rather than the rule. I've kept lots of Angels over the years. I've kept mated angels with mated discus and had them both spawning at the same time and seen no more aggression out of angels than the discus. I've also kept all size angels with all size discus. The key to making sure that the discus eat enough I think is to feed floating flake food (which the angels will mostly focus on) and feed sinking food together. The discus will get most of the sinking food while the angels are busy with the floating food.

Hope that helps,

Funny you should mention that because it made me think of when I had a few pair of angels in the same tank as my discus. A pair of discus laid on the intake tube of my HOB filter and a pair of angelfish laid on the side of the tank about 10 inches from where the discus laid. Well, my male discus thought that those were HIS eggs to protect so he did double duty on them LOL. It was funny watching him fan both eggs at once. He would fan his then the female would take over and he would then chase off the male angel and fan those eggs for a long time. Too bad none of them ever hatched out. It would have been hilarious to see baby discus and angels all schooling around the "parents". Wish I had taken a video of it. I'm sure it's fairly common though.

12-15-2009, 10:01 PM
A little off topic, but can anyone recommend a good site and/or breeders of Angels? I like them too, especially the solid Black and the Golden ones.

Hi Glenn,from eastern NC! I get my angels from Mellowaquatics up in PA. Gorgeous fish, great service and shipping, good prices too. Check them out.

12-15-2009, 11:22 PM
Funny you should mention that because it made me think of when I had a few pair of angels in the same tank as my discus. A pair of discus laid on the intake tube of my HOB filter and a pair of angelfish laid on the side of the tank about 10 inches from where the discus laid. Well, my male discus thought that those were HIS eggs to protect so he did double duty on them LOL. It was funny watching him fan both eggs at once. He would fan his then the female would take over and he would then chase off the male angel and fan those eggs for a long time. Too bad none of them ever hatched out. It would have been hilarious to see baby discus and angels all schooling around the "parents". Wish I had taken a video of it. I'm sure it's fairly common though.

I had a community tank with pairs. The discus laid eggs in the middle and had a pair of angels laying eggs on the sides. It was really kind of a pity that the bushy nose pleco's in the tank got all the eggs.

12-16-2009, 01:11 AM
Like most said I havent seen a problem with discus and angels in the same tank. when i first experimented i noticed that the juvi discus were eatting fast to compete with the one angel in the tank. but then again most juvis pig out.

12-16-2009, 04:47 AM
A little off topic, but can anyone recommend a good site and/or breeders of Angels? I like them too, especially the solid Black and the Golden ones.



12-16-2009, 06:33 AM
hehe! Sounds like they should all be fine together....Should I wait till my little'ns are a little bigger?

12-16-2009, 08:15 PM
I personally am one with bad experiences with this mix... I had 5 angels with about 9 discus in my 125... I did not have issues with feeding or aggression. I had issues when the angels paired... they pinned all fish to half the tank and took the other half to themselves...

2nd and the most devastating... After taking out the pair of angels I bought another 2... QTed them for a few weeks and they were good and healthy... added them to my 125 and ALL of my discus started secreting slime, turned dark, hid and didnt eat... The tank smelled foul and I lost a few fish while this happened. Later (a few months) I lost another few and then about 6-9 months later I lost another... it was all related to this issue as the one that lived the longest stayed very thin and never recovered.

I dont know what the illness was but whatever it was, it was something that the angel carried but was not symptomatic of and the discus got it...

I got rid of ALL of my angels over time and REFUSE to get more... They did look good in the tank all mixed like that but I dont ever want to risk that happening again!

Just my experience even though there are those that have kept angels and discus together for much longer than I ever kept fish... so... I guess I had bad luck...

12-17-2009, 04:52 AM
. A pair of discus laid on the intake tube of my HOB filter and a pair of angelfish laid on the side of the tank about 10 inches from where the discus laid. Well, my male discus thought that those were HIS eggs to protect so he did double duty on them LOL. It was funny watching him fan both eggs at once. He would fan his then the female would take over and he would then chase off the male angel and fan those eggs for a long time. Too bad none of them ever hatched out. It would have been hilarious to see baby discus and angels all schooling around the "parents". Wish I had taken a video of it. I'm sure it's fairly common though.

I was laughing when i read this post coz something very similar happened yesterday.... My discus spawned in the community tank (as you mentioned on the HOB filter) and my Angels spawned on the cone i had kept for the discus :D

Well at the end of the day, it was gala time for the remaining fishes as it was "fresh eggs dinner" for night meal